Report and Trace Details

This section described the report and trace details for SQL activities.

SQL Activity Trace Package Detail

The first line of PACKAGE details shows the fully-qualified package name, if applicable. It consists of:
  • The location name of the DB2® subsystem where the package was bound
  • The name of the package collection
  • The name of the program
  • The consistency token generated by the DB2 precompiler, if present
  • The version ID of the package, if present
To avoid duplication, the package name is not embedded in the detail when the events are sorted in default sequence. It is printed once at the head of its work.

For details of other fields shown for package, see Field Descriptions of SQL Activity Detail Report and Trace Details.

Here is an example of an SQL Activity Trace Package Detail.

NL     EVENT          TIMESTAMP   ELAP.TIME  TCB  TIME                                     DETAIL
-------------------- ----------- ----------- --------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


PACKAGE                                                STLEC1.DSNTEP3.DSNTEP3.X'167241E51B69975C'
                                                       ACQUIRE(USE)       REOPT(N)  RELEASE(COMMIT)      ISO(CS)  DYNAMICRULES(RUN)
                                                       PREPARE(NODEFER)   KEEPDYNAMIC(NO)     PROTOCOL(DRDA)      OPTHINT(N/P)

SQL Activity Trace Statement Detail

For field information, see Field Descriptions of SQL Activity Detail Report and Trace Details.

Here is an example of an SQL Activity Trace Statement Detail for CLOSE.

Start of change
NL     EVENT          TIMESTAMP   ELAP.TIME  TCB  TIME                                     DETAIL                                   
-------------------- ----------- ----------- --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

CLOSE                15:45:32.71    0.000026  0.000026 STMT#        405 CURSOR: C1                         SQLST:00000 SQLCO:     0 
                                                       CLOSE TYPE(IMPLICIT)
                                                       STMT ID :         1234567890123456789  STMT TYPE           : STATIC         
                                                                                              SORTS               :               0
                                                       GET PAGES       :                   0  PARALLEL GRP CREATES:               0
                                                       SYNC BUFF READS :                   0  BUFFER WRITES       :               0
                                                       INDEX SCANS     :                   0  TABLESPACE SCANS    :               0
                                                       ROWS EXAMINED   :                   0  ROWS PROCESSED      :               0
                                                       RID-LIMIT EXC.  :                   0  RID-NO STORAGE      :               0
                                                       IN-DB2 ELAPSED  :            0.000050  IN-DB2 CPU          :        0.000032
                                                       GLOBAL LOCK     :            0.000000  DRAIN LOCK          :        0.000000
                                                       LOCKS           :            0.000000  LATCH               :        0.000000
                                                       PAGE LATCH      :            0.000000  CLAIM COUNT         :        0.000000
                                                       SYNCHRON. I/O   :            0.000000  UNIT SWITCH         :        0.000000
                                                       READ-OTH. THREAD:            0.000000  WRITE-OTH. THREAD   :        0.000000
                                                       LOG WRITER      :            0.000000  
                                                       CHILD L LOCK    :            0.000000  OTHER L LOCK        :        0.000000 
                                                       PAGESET L LOCK  :            0.000000  PAGE P LOCK         :        0.000000 
                                                       OTHER P LOCK    :            0.000000  PIPE                :        0.000000  
                                                       PARENT CHILD SYN:            0.000000             
End of change

SQL Activity Trace Trigger Detail

For field information, see Field Descriptions of SQL Activity Detail Report and Trace Details.

Here is an example for an SQL Activity Trace Trigger Detail.

NL     EVENT          TIMESTAMP   ELAP.TIME  TCB  TIME                                     DETAIL
-------------------- ----------- ----------- --------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


 1  TRIGGER          17:16:27.46    0.180439  0.001409 STMT#  1216 TRIGGER  : SBTRIGR                 SQLSTATE: N/P   SQLCODE:     0
                                                       COLLID : DSNTEP3                 PROGRAM : DSNTEP3    SCHEMA : M80119
                                                       EXT_NAM: SBTRIGR                                    ACT_TIME : AFTER
                                                       GRAN   : STMT   STMT : INSERT    EVAL    : TRUE

SQL Activity Trace Stored Procedure Detail and UDF Detail

For field information, see Field Descriptions of SQL Activity Detail Report and Trace Details.

Here is an example of an SQL Activity Trace Stored Procedure Detail.

NL     EVENT          TIMESTAMP   ELAP.TIME  TCB  TIME                                     DETAIL
-------------------- ----------- ----------- --------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


1  CALL             09:00:00.00 25:00.00000 25:00.000 STMT#    64 PROCEDURE: MANFREDS STOPROC01      SQLSTATE: N/P   SQLCODE:     0
                                                       SCHEDULE TIME: N/P          SCHEDULE TCB: N/P        SCHEMA : MANF__01

Here is an example of an SQL Activity Trace UDF Detail.

NL     EVENT          TIMESTAMP   ELAP.TIME  TCB  TIME                                     DETAIL
-------------------- ----------- ----------- --------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


 2  INVOKE           21:20:16.61    0.003687           STMT#     0 FUNCTION : UDFSBST2                SQLSTATE: N/P   SQLCODE:     0
                                                       SCHEDULE TIME: N/P          SCHEDULE TCB: N/P        SCHEMA : USRT001
                                                       PACKAGE: STLEC1.USRT001.        .X'0000000000000000'
