Logging into XSLD as the administrator

Log into XSLD as an administrator.

About this task

As an administrator, from the XSLD dashboard UI, you see the following four major XS configuration objects that you can manage:
  • Data Cache Members Lists all members that are included in this cache member group.
    Note: If this is a first-time deployment on a system, you should see only one member in this cache member group.
  • Users A list of users registered to this cache member group. By default, you see three default users
    • Administrator (xsadmin)
    • Grid Manager (gridmgr1)
    • Grid Monitor (gridmon1)
    These are the default users and cannot be deleted by users.
  • Groups A list of groups that belongs to this cache member group. Groups are a logical group of users, such as employees that belong to a specific department in an organization. In most cases, you can create groups to organize users in this way.
  • Data Grids A list of data grids that are provisioned in this cache member group. The data grids can be assigned to groups and defined read/write/delete permissions so that users within the groups can have proper permissions to access the data grid. You can assign s user as a group owner and a different user as a data grid owner. The group owner is responsible for managing which users belong in the group, while the data grid manager should be concerned about the specific permissions each user has for the data grid.


  1. Open the XSLD console.
    Point your browser to the https://<hostname.domain.com>:9443/wxsui URL where <hostname.domain.com> represents the fully qualified host name of the cache member.
    Note: The host name must be the fully qualified name of the cache member. Do not use an IP address.
    Note: If you cannot get to the page, XSLD servers might be still starting. You might have to wait for a few minutes before and try again. You can also check the nanny log from the following folder where you deployed XSLD to monitor your XSLD server status: xsld_install_root /wlp/startscripts/nanny/log/nanny.log
  2. Log into the XSLD console.

    You can log in with an administrator user ID, or with the built-in credential xsadmin. The administrator password is what you specified during the XSLD installation.

    After you log on to XSLD console, you will see the XSLD dashboard.
    Note: During the XSLD installation, you were asked whether you wanted to start XSLD servers automatically. If you selected “Start XSLD” option during the Installation Manager, then all XSLD servers are started.

What to do next

Create a user, a group, a data grid, and run caching operations. See Tutorial: Creating a data grid and running cache operations.