ObjectGrid descriptor XML file

To configure WebSphere® eXtreme Scale, use an ObjectGrid® descriptor XML file and the ObjectGrid API.

In the following sections, sample XML files are provided to illustrate various configurations. Each element and attribute of the XML file is defined. Use the ObjectGrid descriptor XML schema to create the descriptor XML file. See objectGrid.xsd file for an example of the ObjectGrid descriptor XML schema.

A modified version of the original companyGrid.xml file is used. The following companyGridSingleMap.xml file is like the companyGrid.xml file. The companyGridSingleMap.xml file has one map, and the companyGrid.xml file has four maps. The elements and attributes of the file are described in detail following the example.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<objectGridConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
		xsi:schemaLocation="http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config ../objectGrid.xsd"

				<objectGrid name="CompanyGrid">
						<backingMap name="Customer"/>

objectGridConfig element

The objectGridConfig element is the top-level element of the XML file. Write this element in your eXtreme Scale XML document as shown in the preceding example. This element sets up the namespace of the file and the schema location. The schema is defined in the objectGrid.xsd file.
  • Number of occurrences: One
  • Child element: objectGrids element and backingMapPluginCollections element

objectGrids element

The objectGrids element is a container for all the objectGrid elements. In the companyGridSingleMap.xml file, the objectGrids element contains one objectGrid, the CompanyGrid objectGrid.
  • Number of occurrences: One or more
  • Child element: objectGrid element

objectGrid element

Use the objectGrid element to define an ObjectGrid. Each of the attributes on the objectGrid element corresponds to a method on the ObjectGrid interface.
  • Number of occurrences: One to many
  • Child element: bean element, backingMap element, and querySchema element
Specifies the name that is assigned to ObjectGrid. The XML validation fails if this attribute is missing. (Required)
Enables security at the ObjectGrid level, which enables the access authorizations to the data in the map, when you set the attribute to true. The default is true. (Optional)
Sets the authorization mechanism for the element. You can set the attribute to one of two values: AUTHORIZATION_MECHANISM_JAAS or AUTHORIZATION_MECHANISM_CUSTOM. The default is AUTHORIZATION_MECHANISM_JAAS. You must set the securityEnabled attribute to true for the authorizationMechanism attribute to take effect. (Optional)
Specifies an integer value in seconds that indicates how often to check the permission that is used to allow a client access. The default is 0. When you set the attribute value 0, every get, put, update, remove, or evict method call asks the authorization mechanism, either Java™ Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) authorization or custom authorization, to check if the current subject has permission. A value greater than 0 indicates the number of seconds to cache a set of permissions before returning to the authorization mechanism to refresh. You must set the securityEnabled attribute to true for the permissionCheckPeriod attribute to take effect. (Optional)
Deprecated featureNote: The upsert and upsertAll methods replace the ObjectMap put and putAll methods. Use the upsert method to tell the BackingMap and loader that an entry in the data grid needs to place the key and value into the grid. The BackingMap and loader does either an insert or an update to place the value into the grid and loader. If you run the upsert API within your applications, then the loader gets an UPSERT LogElement type, which allows loaders to do database merge or upsert calls instead of using insert or update.
Specifies if a user (represented by the Principal objects associated with it) other than the creator of a cache entry can access, update or delete that entry. The default value is disabled when not specified, allowing any user access to the cache entry. Valid values also include complement and supersede. The complement value enables creator-only access, and also enforces map authorization. The supersede value enables creator-only access, and disables map authorization. (Optional)
Specifies the amount of time in seconds that a transaction is allowed for completion. If a transaction does not complete in this amount of time, the transaction is marked for rollback and a TransactionTimeoutException exception results. If you set the value to 0, the default setting of 10 minutes is used as the transaction timeout. (Optional)
Sets the default transaction isolation level for all sessions created by the ObjectGrid. Define one of the following values:
  • REPEATABLE_READ (default): Specifies that dirty reads and non-repeatable reads are prevented; phantom reads can occur. This level prohibits a transaction from reading an uncommitted cache entry. It also prohibits the following scenario: one transaction reads an entry, a second transaction alters the entry, and the first transaction rereads the entry, getting different values the second time (a "non-repeatable read").
  • READ_UNCOMMITTED: Specifies that dirty reads, non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur. Cache entries can be changed by one transaction and read by another transaction before any changes in that entry have been committed. If any of the changes are rolled back, the second transaction retrieves an entry that is not valid.
  • READ_COMMITTED: Specifies that dirty reads are prevented; non-repeatable reads and phantom reads can occur. This level only prohibits a transaction from reading a cache entry that has uncommitted changes.
[Version 8.6.1 and later]maxCapacity
[Version 8.6.1 and later]Specifies the maximum amount of memory in megabytes that the ObjectGrid can consume. You can configure each BackingMap instance to reject new entries, or to evict least recently used entries, when the maximum amount of memory is reached. To configure BackingMap instances to reject new entries, no further configuration steps need to be done. To configure BackingMap instances to evict least recently used entries, you must specify GRID_CAP as one of the evictionTriggers, and use the built-in LRUEvictor as the BackingMap evictor. If this attribute is not specified, the ObjectGrid does not have any memory usage limit. (Optional)
Deprecated featureDeprecated: The EntityManager function is deprecated.
Specifies the path to the entity descriptor XML file that defines the entity schema. Define entities before you start the catalog server so that each entity can bind with a backing map.
  • For a relative directory: Specify the location relative to the location of the objectgrid.xml file.
  • For an absolute path: Specify the location with a URL format, such as file:// or http://.
(1) name="objectGridName"
(2) securityEnabled="true" | "false"
(4) permissionCheckPeriod="permission_check_period"
(5) txTimeout="seconds"
(7) maxCapacity="megabytes"
(8) entityMetadataXMLFile="URL"
In the following example, the companyGridObjectGridAttr.xml file demonstrates one way to configure the attributes of an objectGrid element. Security is enabled, the authorization mechanism is set to JAAS, the permission check period is set to 45 seconds, and the maximum memory capacity to 50MB. The file also registers entities by specifying an entityMetadataXMLFile attribute.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<objectGridConfig xmlnc:xsi="http:www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config ../objectGrid.xsd"

		<objectGrid name="CompanyGrid" securityEnabled="true"
			<backingMap name="Customer"/>
The following code sample demonstrates the programmatic approach to achieving the same configuration as the companyGridObjectGridAttr.xml file in the preceding example.
ObjectGridManager objectGridManager = ObjectGridManagerFactory.getObjectGridManager();
ObjectGrid companyGrid = objectGridManager.createObjectGrid("CompanyGrid", false);

companyGrid.registerEntities(new URL("file:companyGridEntities.xml"));

backingMap element

The backingMap element is used to define a BackingMap instance on an ObjectGrid. Each of the attributes on the backingMap element corresponds to a method on the BackingMap interface. For details, see BackingMap interface.
  • Number of occurrences: Zero to many
  • Child element: timeBasedDBUpdate element
backingMap attributes
Specifies if the a copy of the key is required when a map entry is created. Copying the key object allows the application to use the same key object for each ObjectMap operation. Set the value to true to copy the key object when a map entry is created. The default value is false. (Optional)
Specifies if a get operation of an entry in the BackingMap instance returns the actual value, a copy of the value, or a proxy for the value. Set the CopyMode attribute to one of five values:
The default value is COPY_ON_READ_AND_COMMIT. Set the value to COPY_ON_READ_AND_COMMIT to ensure that an application never has a reference to the value object that is in the BackingMap instance. Instead, the application is always working with a copy of the value that is in the BackingMap instance. (Optional)
Set the value to COPY_ON_READ to improve performance over the COPY_ON_READ_AND_COMMIT value by eliminating the copy that occurs when a transaction is committed. To preserve the integrity of the BackingMap data, the application commits to delete every reference to an entry after the transaction is committed. Setting this value results in an ObjectMap.get method returning a copy of the value instead of a reference to the value, which ensures changes that are made by the application to the value does not affect the BackingMap element until the transaction is committed.
Set the value to COPY_ON_WRITE to improve performance over the COPY_ON_READ_AND_COMMIT value by eliminating the copy that occurs when ObjectMap.get method is called for the first time by a transaction for a given key. Instead, the ObjectMap.get method returns a proxy to the value instead of a direct reference to the value object. The proxy ensures that a copy of the value is not made unless the application calls a set method on the value interface.
Set the value to NO_COPY to allow an application to never modify a value object that is obtained using an ObjectMap.get method in exchange for performance improvements. Set the value to NO_COPY for maps associated with EntityManager API entities.
Set the value to COPY_TO_BYTES to improve memory footprint for complex Object types and to improve performance when the copying of an Object relies on serialization to make the copy. If an Object is not Cloneable or a custom ObjectTransformer with an efficient copyValue method is not provided, the default copy mechanism is to serialize and inflate the object to make a copy. With the COPY_TO_BYTES setting, inflate is only performed during a read and serialize is only performed during commit.
For more information about these settings, see Tuning the copy mode.
Sets the types of additional eviction triggers to use. All evictors for the backing map use this list of additional triggers. To avoid an IllegalStateException, this attribute must be called before the ObjectGrid.initialize() method. Also, note that the ObjectGrid.getSession() method implicitly calls the ObjectGrid.initialize() method if the method has yet to be called by the application. Entries in the list of triggers are separated by semicolons. Current® eviction triggers include MEMORY_USAGE_THRESHOLD and GRID_CAP. For more information, see Plug-ins for evicting cache objects. (Optional)
Specifies if the internal lock manager is used whenever a map entry is accessed by a transaction. Set this attribute to one of three values: OPTIMISTIC, PESSIMISTIC, or NONE. The default value is OPTIMISTIC. (Optional)

The optimistic locking strategy is typically used when a map does not have a loader plug-in, is mostly read and not frequently written to or updated, and the locking is not provided by the persistence manager using eXtreme Scale as a side cache or by the application. An exclusive lock is obtained on a map entry that is inserted, updated, or removed at commit time. The lock ensures that the version information cannot be changed by another transaction while the transaction being committed is performing an optimistic version check.

The pessimistic locking strategy is typically used for a map that does not have a loader plug-in, and locking is not provided by a persistence manager using eXtreme Scale as a side cache, by a loader plug-in, or by the application. The pessimistic locking strategy is used when the optimistic locking strategy fails too often because update transactions frequently collide on the same map entry.

The no locking strategy indicates that the internal LockManager is not needed. Concurrency control is provided outside of eXtreme Scale, either by the persistence manager using eXtreme Scale as a side cache or application, or by the loader plug-in that uses database locks to control concurrency.

Sets the lock timeout that is used by the lock manager for the BackingMap instance. Set the lockStrategy attribute to OPTIMISTIC or PESSIMISTIC to create a lock manager for the BackingMap instance. To prevent deadlocks from occurring, the lock manager has a default timeout value of 15 seconds. If the timeout limit is exceeded, a LockTimeoutException exception occurs. The default value of 15 seconds is sufficient for most applications, but on a heavily loaded system, a timeout might occur when no deadlock exists. Use the lockTimeout attribute to increase the value from the default to prevent false timeout exceptions from occurring. Set the lockStrategy attribute to NONE to specify the BackingMap instance use no lock manager. (Optional)
Specifies the name that is assigned to the backingMap instance. If this attribute is missing, the XML validation fails. (Required)
Set the value to true to enable the client local cache. To use a near cache, the lockStrategy attribute must be set to NONE or OPTIMISTIC. If the lockStrategy attribute must is set to NONE or OPTIMISTIC, the nearCacheEnabled property is set to true.

Default: true (Optional)

Set the value to true to enable the removal of stale data from the near cache as quickly as possible. Any update , deletion, or invalidation operation against the data grid triggers an asynchronous invalidation in the near cache. Because the invalidation is asynchronous, client applications might access stale data for a short time period after an update has occurred before the stale value is removed from the near cache. To use near cache invalidation, the lockStrategy attribute must be set to NONE or OPTIMISTIC. To enable a near cache for a dynamic cache instance, this value must be set to true.

Default: false (Optional)

Set the value to true to enable time-to-live (TTL) information to be synchronized with the remote data grid. To enable a near cache for a dynamic cache instance, this value must be set to true. If you are not using a dynamic cache near cache, you must enable the LAST_ACCESS_TIME TTL evictor type when you enable this property.
Attention: Setting the value to true for a dynamic cache near cache is now optional.

Default: false (Optional)

Set the value to true to support null values in the ObjectMap. When null values are supported, a get operation that returns null might mean that the value is null or that the map does not contain the key that is passed to the method. The default value is true. (Optional)
Deprecated: This property has been deprecated. Use the nearCacheEnabled attribute to enable the near cache.
The BackingMap instance uses a hash map for implementation. The numberOfBuckets attribute specifies the number of buckets for the BackingMap instance to use. If multiple entries exist in the BackingMap, more buckets lead to better performance because the risk of collisions is less as the number of buckets increases. More buckets also lead to more concurrency. Specify a value of 0 to disable the near cache on a client. When you set the value to 0 for a client, set the value in the client override ObjectGrid XML descriptor file only. (Optional)
The lock manager uses a hash map to track entries that are locked by one or more transactions. The numberOfLockBuckets attribute sets the number of lock buckets that are used by the lock manager for the BackingMap instance. Set the lockStrategy attribute to OPTIMISTIC or PESSIMISTIC to create a lock manager for the BackingMap instance. If many entries exist, more lock buckets lead to better performance because the risk of collisions is less as the number of buckets grows. More lock buckets also lead to more concurrency. Set the lockStrategy attribute to NONE to specify the BackingMap instance use no lock manager. (Optional)
Specifies a reference to a backingMapPluginCollection plug-in. The value of this attribute must match the ID attribute of a backingMapCollection plug-in. Validation fails if no matching ID exists. Set the attribute to reuse BackingMap plug-ins. (Optional)
Sets the preload mode if a loader plug-in is set for this BackingMap instance. The default value is false. If the attribute is set to true, the Loader.preloadMap(Session, BackingMap) method is invoked asynchronously. Otherwise, running the method is blocked when loading data so that the cache is unavailable until preload completes. Preloading occurs during initialization. (Optional)
Sets a BackingMap instance as read/write when you specify the attribute as false. When you specify the attribute as true, the BackingMap instance is read-only. (Optional)
Specifies if dynamic maps can be used. Set this value to true if the BackingMap map is a template map. Template maps can be used to dynamically create maps after the ObjectGrid is started. Calls to Session.getMap(String) result in dynamic maps being created if the name passed to the method matches the regular expression specified in the name attribute of the backingMap. The default value is false. (Optional)
Specifies in seconds how long each map entry is present. The default value of 0 means that the map entry is present forever, or until the application explicitly removes or invalidates the entry. Otherwise, the TTL evictor evicts the map entry based on this value. (Optional)
Specifies how the expiration time of a BackingMap entry is computed. Set this attribute to one of these values: CREATION_TIME, LAST_ACCESS_TIME, LAST_UPDATE_TIME, or NONE. The CREATION_TIME value indicates that an entry expiration time is the sum of the creation time of the entry plus the timeToLive attribute value. The LAST_ACCESS_TIME value indicates that an entry expiration time is the sum of the last access time of the entry (whether the entry was updated or merely read), plus the timeToLive attribute value. The LAST_UPDATE_TIME value indicates that an entry expiration time is the sum of the last update time of the entry plus the timeToLive attribute value. The NONE value, which is the default, indicates that an entry has no expiration time and is present in the BackingMap instance until the application explicitly removes or invalidates the entry. (Optional)
Specifies a class that is required when you set the CopyMode attribute to COPY_ON_WRITE. This attribute is ignored for all other modes. The COPY_ON_WRITE value uses a proxy when ObjectMap.get method calls are made. The proxy ensures that a copy of the value is not made unless the application calls a set method on the class that is specified as the valueInterfaceClassName attribute. (Optional)
Specifies that the backingMap is a view map. (Optional)
Specifies that the write-behind support is enabled with write-behind parameters (Optional). Write-behind parameters consist of a maximum update time and a maximum key update count. The format of the write-behind parameter is "[T(time)][;][C(count)]". The database is updated when one of the following events occurs:
  • The maximum update time, specified in seconds, has passed since the last update.
  • The number of available updates in the queue map has reached the maximum update count.

For more information, see Write-behind caching.

Write-behind support is an extension of the Loader plug-in, which you use to integrate eXtreme Scale with the database. For example, consult the Configuring JPA loaders information about configuring a JPA loader.

(1)			name="objectGridName"
(2)			readOnly="true" | "false"
(3)			template="true" | "false"
(4)			pluginCollectionRef="reference to backingMapPluginCollection"
(5)			numberOfBuckets="number of buckets"
(6)			preloadMode="true" | "false"
(7)			lockStrategy="OPTIMISTIC" | "PESSIMISTIC" | "NONE"
(8)			numberOfLockBuckets="number of lock buckets"
(9)			lockTimeout="lock timeout"
							| "NO_COPY" | "COPY_TO_BYTES"
(11)			valueInterfaceClassName="value interface class name"
(12)			copyKey="true" | "false"
(13)			nullValuesSupported="true" | "false"
(15)			timeToLive="time to live"
(16)			streamRef="reference to a stream"
(17)			viewRef="reference to a view"
(18)			writeBehind="write-behind parameters"
(19)			nearCacheEnabled="true" | "false"
(20)			nearCacheInvalidationEnabled="true" | "false"
(21)			nearCacheLastAccessTTLSyncEnabled="true" | "false"
In the following example, the companyGridBackingMapAttr.xml file is used to demonstrate a sample backingMap configuration.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<objectGridConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config ../objectGrid.xsd"

		<objectGrid name="CompanyGrid">
			 <backingMap name="Customer" readOnly="true"
					numberOfBuckets="641" preloadMode="false"
					lockStrategy="OPTIMISTIC" numberOfLockBuckets="409"
					lockTimeout="30" copyMode="COPY_ON_WRITE"
					copyKey="true" nullValuesSupported="false" evictionTriggers="GRID_CAP"
					ttlEvictorType="LAST_ACCESS_TIME" timeToLive="3000"/>
The following sample code demonstrates the programmatic approach to achieve the same configuration as the companyGridBackingMapAttr.xml file in the preceding example:
ObjectGridManager objectGridManager = ObjectGridManagerFactory.getObjectGridManager();
ObjectGrid companyGrid = objectGridManager.createObjectGrid("CompanyGrid", false);

BackingMap customerMap = companyGrid.defineMap("Customer");

// when setting copy mode to COPY_ON_WRITE, a valueInterface class is required
customerMap.setTimeToLive(3000); // set time to live to 50 minutes

bean element

Use the bean element to define plug-ins. You can attach plug-ins to objectGrid and BackingMap elements.
  • Number of occurrences within the objectGrid element: Zero to many
  • Number of occurrences within the backingMapPluginCollection element: Zero to many
  • Child element: property element
Specifies the type of plug-in to create. (Required)
The valid plug-ins for a bean that is a child element of the objectGrid element are included in the following list:
  • TransactionCallback plug-in
  • ObjectGridEventListener plug-in
  • SubjectSource plug-in
  • SubjectValidation plug-in
The valid plug-ins for a bean that is a child element of the backingMapPluginCollection element are included in the following list:
  • Loader plug-in
  • ObjectTransformer plug-in
  • OptimisticCallback plug-in
  • Evictor plug-in
  • MapEventListener plug-in
  • MapIndex plug-in
Specifies the name of the class or spring bean to instantiate to create the plug-in. The class must implement the plug-in type interface. For example, if you specify ObjectGridEventListener as the value for the id attribute, the className attribute value must refer to a class that implements the ObjectGridEventListener interface. The className or osgiService is required.
Specifies the name of the OSGi service to look up in the OSGi service manager. When running in the Eclipse Equinox OSGi framework with the Eclipse Gemini or Apache Aries Blueprint container, plug-ins can be defined using an OSGi Blueprint XML file. The other bean properties are not typically used when using an osgiService name, since the bean properties are configured in the Blueprint configuration file. See Configuring OSGi-enabled plug-ins using the ObjectGrid descriptor XML file for more information. The className or osgiService is required.
(1)	id="TransactionCallback" | "ObjectGridEventListener" |"SubjectSource" |
     "SubjectValidation" | "Loader" | "ObjectTransformer" |
    "OptimisticCallback" | "Evictor" | "MapEventListener" | "MapIndexPlugin"
(2)	className="class name" | "(spring)bean name"

In the following example, the companyGridBean.xml file is used to demonstrate how to configure plug-ins using the bean element. An ObjectGridEventListener plug-in is added to the CompanyGrid ObjectGrid. The className attribute for this bean is the com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.builtins.TranPropListener class. This class implements the com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.ObjectGridEventListener interface as required.

A BackingMap plug-in is also defined in the companyGridBean.xml file. An evictor plug-in is added to the Customer BackingMap instance. Because the bean ID is Evictor, the className attribute must specify a class that implements the com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.Evictor interface. The com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.builtins.LRUEvictor class implements this interface. The backingMap references its plug-ins using the pluginCollectionRef attribute.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<objectGridConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config ../objectGrid.xsd"

		<objectGrid name="CompanyGrid">
			bean id="ObjectGridEventListener"
			<backingMap name="Customer"
		<backingMapPluginCollection id="customerPlugins">
			<bean id="Evictor"
The following code sample demonstrates the programmatic approach to achieving the same configuration as the companyGridBean.xml file in the preceding example.
ObjectGridManager objectGridManager = ObjectGridManagerFactory.getObjectGridManager();
ObjectGrid companyGrid = objectGridManager.createObjectGrid("CompanyGrid", false);
TranPropListener tranPropListener = new TranPropListener();

BackingMap customerMap = companyGrid.defineMap("Customer");
Evictor lruEvictor = new com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.builtins.LRUEvictor();

For more details about using plug-ins, consult Java plug-ins overview.

property element

Use the property element to add properties to plug-ins. The name of the property must correspond to a set method on the class referenced by the containing bean.
  • Number of occurrences: Zero to many
  • Child element: None
Specifies the name of the property. The value that is assigned to this attribute must correspond to a set method on the class that is provided as the className attribute on the containing bean. For example, if you set the className attribute of the bean to com.ibm.MyPlugin, and the name of the property that is provided is size, the com.ibm.MyPlugin class must have a setSize method. (Required)
Specifies the type of the property. The type is passed to the set method that is identified by the name attribute. The valid values are the Java primitives, the java.lang counterparts, and java.lang.String. The name and type attributes must correspond to a method signature on the className attribute of the bean. For example, if you set the name as size and the type as int, a setSize(int) method must exist on the class that is specified as the className attribute for the bean. (Required)
Specifies the value of the property. This value is converted to the type that is specified by the type attribute, and is then used as a parameter in the call to the set method that is identified by the name and type attributes. The value of this attribute is not validated in any way. (Required)
Describes the property. (Optional)
(1)	name="name"
(2)	type="java.lang.String" | "boolean" | "java.lang.Boolean" | "int" |
			 "java.lang.Integer" | "double" | "java.lang.Double" | "byte" |
			 "java.lang.Byte" | "short" | "java.lang.Short" | "long" | 
			 "java.lang.Long" | "float" | "java.lang.Float" | "char" | 
(3)	value="value"
(4)	description="description"
In the following example, the companyGridProperty.xml file is used to demonstrate how to add a property element to a bean. In this example, a property with the name maxSize and type int is added to an evictor. The com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.builtins.LRUEvictor class has a method signature that matches the setMaxSize(int) method. An integer value of 499 is passed to the setMaxSize(int) method on the com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.builtins.LRUEvictor class.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<objectGridConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config ../objectGrid.xsd"

		<objectGrid name="CompanyGrid">
			<backingMap name="Customer"
		<backingMapPluginCollection id="customerPlugins">
			<bean id="Evictor"
					<property name="maxSize" type="int" value="449"
							description="The maximum size of the LRU Evictor"/>
The following code sample demonstrates the programmatic approach to achieving the same configuration as the companyGridProperty.xml file in the preceding example.
ObjectGridManager objectGridManager = ObjectGridManagerFactory.getObjectGridManager();
ObjectGrid companyGrid = objectGridManager.createObjectGrid("CompanyGrid", false);

BackingMap customerMap = companyGrid.defineMap("Customer");

LRUEvictor lruEvictor = new com.ibm.websphere.objectgrid.plugins.builtins.LRUEvictor();
// if the XML file is used instead,
// the property that was added would cause the following call to occur

backingMapPluginsCollections element

The backingMapPluginsCollections element is a container for all the backingMapPluginCollection elements. In the companyGridProperty.xml file in the preceding section, the backingMapPluginCollections element contains one backingMapPluginCollection element with the ID customerPlugins.
  • Number of occurrences: Zero to one
  • Child element: backingMapPluginCollection element

backingMapPluginCollection element

The backingMapPluginCollection element defines the BackingMap plug-ins, and is identified by the id attribute. Specify the pluginCollectionRef attribute to reference the plug-ins. When configuring several BackingMaps plug-ins similarly, each BackingMap can reference the same backingMapPluginCollection element.
  • Number of occurrences: Zero to many
  • Child element: bean element
Identifies the backingMapPluginCollection, and is referenced by the pluginCollectionRef attribute of the backingMap element. Each ID must be unique. If the value of a pluginCollectionRef attribute does not match the ID of one backingMapPluginCollection element, XML validation fails. Any number of backingMap elements can reference a single backingMapPluginCollection element. (Required)
(1)			id="id"
In the following example, the companyGridCollection.xml file is used to demonstrate how to use the backingMapPluginCollection element. In this file, the Customer BackingMap uses the customerPlugins backingMapPluginCollection to configure the Customer BackingMap with an LRUEvictor. The Item and OrderLine BackingMaps reference the collection2 backingMapPluginCollection. These BackingMaps each have an LFUEvictor set.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<objectGridConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config ../objectGrid.xsd"

		<objectGrid name="CompanyGrid">
			<backingMap name="Customer"
			<backingMap name="Item" pluginCollectionRef="collection2"/>
			<backingMap name="OrderLine"
			<backingMap name="Order"/>
		<backingMapPluginCollection id="customerPlugins">
			<bean id="Evictor"
		<backingMapPluginCollection id="collection2">
			<bean id="Evictor"
			<bean id="OptimisticCallback"
The following code sample demonstrates the programmatic approach to achieving the same configuration as the companyGridCollection.xml file in the preceding example.
ObjectGridManager objectGridManager = ObjectGridManagerFactory.getObjectGridManager();

ObjectGrid companyGrid = objectGridManager.createObjectGrid("CompanyGrid", false);
BackingMap customerMap = companyGrid .defineMap("Customer");
LRUEvictor customerEvictor = new LRUEvictor();

BackingMap itemMap = companyGrid.defineMap("Item");
LFUEvictor itemEvictor = new LFUEvictor();

BackingMap orderLineMap = companyGrid.defineMap("OrderLine");
LFUEvictor orderLineEvictor = new LFUEvictor();

BackingMap orderMap = companyGrid.defineMap("Order");

querySchema element

The querySchema element defines relationships between BackingMaps and identifies the type of object in each map. This information is used by ObjectQuery to translate query language strings into map access calls. For more information, see Configuring an ObjectQuery schema.
  • Number of occurrences: Zero to one
  • Child element: mapSchemas element, relationships element

mapSchemas element

Each querySchema element has one mapSchemas element that contains one or more mapSchema elements.
  • Number of occurrences: One
  • Child element: mapSchema element

mapSchema element

A mapSchema element defines the type of object that is stored in a BackingMap and instructions on how to access the data.
  • Number of occurrences: One or more
  • Child element: None
Specifies the name of the BackingMap to add to the schema. (Required)
Specifies the type of object that is stored in the value portion of the BackingMap. (Required)
Specifies the name of the primary key attribute in the valueClass attribute. The primary key must also be stored in the key portion of the BackingMap. (Optional)
Identifies how the query engine introspects and accesses the persistent data in the valueClass object instances. If you set the value to FIELD, the class fields are introspected and added to the schema. If the value is PROPERTY, the attributes that are associated with get and is methods are used. The default value is PROPERTY. (Optional)
(1)			mapName="backingMapName"
(2)			valueClass="com.mycompany.OrderBean"
(3)			primaryKeyField="orderId"
(4)			accessType="PROPERTY" | "FIELD"
In the following example, the companyGridQuerySchemaAttr.xml file is used to demonstrate a sample mapSchema configuration.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<objectGridConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config ../objectGrid.xsd"

		<objectGrid name="CompanyGrid">
			<backingMap name="Order"/>
			<backingMap name="Customer"/>

					<mapSchema mapName="Order"
					<mapSchema mapName="Customer"
The following code sample demonstrates the programmatic approach to achieving the same configuration as the companyGridQuerySchemaAttr.xml file in the preceding example.
ObjectGridManager objectGridManager = ObjectGridManagerFactory.getObjectGridManager();
ObjectGrid companyGrid = objectGridManager.createObjectGrid("CompanyGrid", false);

// Define the schema
QueryConfig queryCfg = new QueryConfig();
queryCfg.addQueryMapping(new QueryMapping(
    "Order", OrderBean.class.getName(), "orderNumber", QueryMapping.FIELD_ACCESS));
queryCfg.addQueryMapping(new QueryMapping(
    "Customer", CustomerBean.class.getName(), "id", QueryMapping.FIELD_ACCESS));

relationships element

Each querySchema element has zero or one relationships element that contains one or more relationship elements.
  • Number of occurrences: Zero or one
  • Child element: relationship element

relationship element

A relationship element defines the relationship between two BackingMaps and the attributes in the valueClass attribute that bind the relationship.
  • Number of occurrences: One or more
  • Child element: None
Specifies the name of the valueClass of the source side of a relationship. (Required)
Specifies the name of the valueClass of the target side of a relationship. (Required)
Specifies the name of the attribute in the source valueClass that refers to the target. (Required)
Specifies the name of the attribute in the target valueClass that refers to the source. If this attribute is not specified, the relationship is one directional. (Optional)
(1)			source="com.mycompany.OrderBean"
(2)			target="com.mycompany.CustomerBean"
(3)			relationField="customer"
(4)			invRelationField="orders"
In the following example, the companyGridQuerySchemaWithRelationshipAttr.xml file is used to demonstrate a sample mapSchema configuration that includes a bidirectional relationship.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<objectGridConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://ibm.com/ws/objectgrid/config ../objectGrid.xsd"

		<objectGrid name="CompanyGrid">
			<backingMap name="Order"/>
			<backingMap name="Customer"/>

					<mapSchema mapName="Order"
					<mapSchema mapName="Customer"
The following code sample demonstrates the programmatic approach to achieving the same configuration as the companyGridQuerySchemaWithRelationshipAttr.xml file in the preceding example.
ObjectGridManager objectGridManager = ObjectGridManagerFactory.getObjectGridManager();
ObjectGrid companyGrid = objectGridManager.createObjectGrid("CompanyGrid", false);

// Define the schema
QueryConfig queryCfg = new QueryConfig();
queryCfg.addQueryMapping(new QueryMapping(
    "Order", OrderBean.class.getName(), "orderNumber", QueryMapping.FIELD_ACCESS));
queryCfg.addQueryMapping(new QueryMapping(
    "Customer", CustomerBean.class.getName(), "id", QueryMapping.FIELD_ACCESS));
queryCfg.addQueryRelationship(new QueryRelationship(
     OrderBean.class.getName(), CustomerBean.class.getName(), "customer", "orders"));

stream element

The stream element represents a stream to the stream query engine. Each attribute of the stream element corresponds to a method on the StreamMetadata interface.
  • Number of occurrences: One to many
  • Child element: basic element
Specifies the name of the stream. Validation fails if this attribute is not specified. (Required)
Specifies the class type of the value that is stored in the stream ObjectMap. The class type is used to convert the object to the stream events and to generate an SQL statement if the statement is not provided. (Required)
Specifies the SQL statement of the stream. If this property is not provided, a stream SQL is generated by reflecting the attributes or accessor methods on the valueClass attribute or by using the tuple attributes of the entity metadata. (Optional)
Specifies the type to access the attributes of the value class. If you set the value to FIELD, the attributes are directly retrieved from the fields using Java reflection. Otherwise, accessor methods are used to read the attributes. The default value is PROPERTY. (Optional)
(1)	name="streamName"
(2)	valueClass="streamMapClassType"
(3)	sql="streamSQL create stream stockQuote
				 keyed by t ( transactionvolume INTEGER, price DECIMAL (9,2), issue VARCHAR(100) );"
(4)	access="PROPERTY" | "FIELD"

view element

The view element represents a stream query view. Each stream element corresponds to a method on the ViewMetadata interface.
  • Number of occurrences: One to many
  • Child element: basic element, ID element
Specifies the name of the view. Validation fails if this attribute is not specified. (Required)
Specifies the SQL of the stream, which defines the view transformation. Validation fails if this attribute is not specified. (Required)
Specifies the class type of the value that is stored in this view of the ObjectMap. The class type is used to convert view events into the correct tuple format that is compatible with this class type. If the class type is not provided, a default format following the column definitions in the Stream Processing Technology Structured Query Language (SPTSQL) is used. If an entity metadata is defined for this view map, do not use the valueClass attribute. (Optional)
Specifies the type to access the attributes of the value class. If you set the access type to FIELD, the column values are directly set to the fields using Java reflection. Otherwise, accessor methods are used to set the attributes. The default value is PROPERTY. (Optional)
(1)			name="viewName"
(2)			valueClass="viewMapValueClass"
(3)			sql="viewSQL CREATE VIEW last5MinuteAvgPrice AS
						SELECT issue, avg(price) as totalVolume
 					  FROM (SELECT * FROM stockQuote FETCH LATEST 5 MINUTES) group by issue;"/>
(4)			access="PROPERTY" | "FIELD"

basic element

The basic element is used to define a mapping from the attribute name in the value class or entity metadata to the column that is defined in the SPTSQL.
  • Number of occurrences: Zero to many
  • Child element: None
(1)			name="attributeName"
(2)			column="columnName"

id element

The id element is used for a key attribute mapping.
  • Number of occurrences: Zero to many
  • Child element: None
(1)			name="idName"
(2)			column="columnName"