Step-by-Step Transformer  7.5.0
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Not Yet Optimized IBM Cognos PowerCubes May Open Slowly in IBM Cognos 8

If your PowerCubes take too long to open in the IBM Cognos 8 Web studios, we recommend that you run a command line utility named pcoptimizer, supplied with IBM Cognos 8, to improve runtime performance. This optimization utility is suitable for older PowerCubes when the model no longer exists or the data used to build the PowerCube is no longer available.

In Transformer Version 7.3 Maintenance Release 2 and subsequent releases, you have the option of making this optimization an automatic part of the build process, by adding an entry to your trnsfrmr.ini file or by creating the required environment variable on UNIX. If you use this method, the optimization process also enables drill-through access on all PowerCube measures by default.

There is an expected, but slight, increase in PowerCube size and build times. However, in most production environments, runtime PowerCube performance improves significantly.

Steps to Use the Command Line Utility (IBM Cognos 8)
  1. Back up your target PowerCube as a precaution, and then navigate to the IBM_Cognos_8_installation_location/bin directory.

  2. On Windows, open a command line window and run PCOptimizer.exe.

  3. On UNIX, enter the following line to run the optimization command line utility:

    pcoptimizer [-t] [-v] [-h] <cubename>

    where <cubename> is the fully qualified PowerCube or time-based partitioned control cube name with the .mdc extension, if the PowerCube resides in the same location as pcoptimizer. Otherwise, <cubename> is the full path with the .mdc extension.

Note: This method only supports metadata extraction. To set up user-configurable drill-through, you must use Transformer and specify automatic optimization. Wildcard character support is not currently available. You must therefore invoke the utility once per PowerCube. If <cubename> is not provided, the program enters an interactive mode, prompting you for a PowerCube name and accepting keyboard input. The optional parameters are as follows:

Steps to Configure Automatic Optimization (Transformer Version 7.3)
  1. On Windows, to enable automatic optimization for all PowerCube builds, locate the trnsfrmr.ini file in the installation_location\cern\bin directory, open it in any text editor, and add the following entry:


    Optimization is now turned ON for all PowerCube builds.

  2. On the Windows command line, to optimize a specific PowerCube build, type the following:

    trnsfrmr -DEnablePCOptimizer=1 -cm <model_path_and_filename>
  3. On UNIX, to enable optimization for all PowerCube builds during the current session, use the -D flag or define the environment variable EnablePCOptimizer in the trnsfrmr.rc file(s).

    Tip: To disable the feature, change the value of your optimization setting to zero or remove the definition.

  4. After your PowerCubes build, you can open the relevant log files and confirm that the following entries appear:

    Start updating of 'cube_name' with optimized metadata.
    . . .
    End updating of 'cube_name' with optimized metadata.

    This indicates successful extraction of the metadata needed to optimize the opening of each PowerCube in IBM Cognos 8.

    Note: There is no harm in optimizing a PowerCube that has already been optimized.