Retrying a failed service invocation

Callout and Service Invoke primitives provide retry capabilities for failed service invocations.

Before you begin

A number of properties need to be set in order to enable and configure the retry ability to your liking. To enable retries on either one of the primitives you must set the Retry On property to one of: Note that for the purposes of retrying a service, an Asynchronous Timeout is treated as an unmodeled fault.
Once you've enabled retries and the primitive receives a fault response of the given type, the attempts will be performed as specified in the rest of the properties. They are summarized in the table following.
Table 1.
Property Name Description
Retry Count Count of retry attempts made after the initial failure. If 0, no attempts are made. If Try alternate endpoints is false or if there are no alternate endpoints specified in the SMO headers, all attempts will retry the original service.
Retry Delay The delay, in seconds, before each retry attempt is made. If 0, delay will be dictated by speed of server.
Try Alternate Endpoints

(requires Use Dynamic Endpoint to be set)

If the SMO Header contains alternate endpoints, retry calls will be made to them in the order they appear.
Async Timeout If this timeout occurs and the Retry Count has not been reached, it is treated as an unmodeled fault and retry will be performed. The retry delay will take place following the Async Timeout.

If the Retry Count has been reached, then the Timeout terminal of the Service Invoke primitive, or the fail terminal of the Callout Response node is fired.