Managing IBM Process Servers

The Process Servers in your IBM® Business Process Manager configuration run instances of the Business Process Definitions (BPDs) created in the Designer in IBM Process Designer. In your development environment, the Process Center server enables you to run processes as you build them. When you are ready, you can install and run those same processes on the Process Servers in your test and production environments. Since Process Servers play such a vital role in IBM BPM, you should monitor their performance and ensure that all necessary set up and configuration is complete when you install and run test or production versions of your processes.

The following sections explain how to access the Process Admin Console to perform administrative tasks and also provide a list of the types of tasks that you can perform with links to detailed information and procedures.

The Process Admin Console enables you to manage the Process Servers in your runtime environments (staging, test, and production) as well as the Process Center server that is part of the Process Center.
Note: Path names to configuration files and other resources in the following topics are specific to Process Servers installed in stage, test, and production environments. These path names are different when you are administering the Process Center server.
For example, the path name to the Process Center server 100Custom.xml file is:
where, by default, IBM_BPM_home is:
profiles/<profile name>/config/cells/<cell name>/nodes/<node name>/servers/<server name>

You can replace process-server with process-center to find the same files and resources for the Process Center server.