Specifying configuration parameters for Tivoli Storage Manager

After Data Protection for Exchange Server is registered to Tivoli® Storage Manager, you must configure the node name, password, the communications method, and the appropriate parameters to connect to the Tivoli Storage Manager server.

About this task

Parameter values are stored in an options file that is located by default in the Data Protection for Exchange Server installation directory.


  1. Use a text editor to edit the dsm.optoptions file.
    The dsm.opt options file includes the following parameters, which are necessary for initial configuration:
    Specify the communication protocol to use between the Data Protection for Exchange Server node and the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Depending on the commmethod option that you choose, specify one of the following connectivity parameters for the commmethod values.
    • For VSS backups, specify the COMMMethod option in the Data Protection for Exchange Server options file.
    • For VSS backups, specify the COMMMethod option in the backup-archive client options file that is used as the local DSMAGENT node. If the environment is configured for VSS offloaded backups, also specify the COMMMethod option in the backup-archive client options file that is used as the remote DSMAGENT node.
    Specify the Tivoli Storage Manager node name that Tivoli Storage Manager uses to identify the system that runs Data Protection for Exchange Server.
    Specify either the default generate value to generate a password automatically, or specify the prompt password to respond to a request for a password.
  2. Optional: modify the default values for the following parameters:
    Leave this option blank. The default value is used.
    Specify the compression yes option if any of the following conditions exist:
    • The network adapter has a data overload
    • Communications between Data Protection for Exchange Server and Tivoli Storage Manager server are over a low-bandwidth connection
    • Heavy network traffic exists
    • You can also use the compressalways yes option (with the compression yes setting) to specify that file compression must continue even if the file grows as a result of data compression.
    Specify the compression no option if any of the following conditions exist:
    • The computer that runs Data Protection for Exchange Server has a processor overload; the added processor usage might cause issues for other applications that include the server. You can monitor processor and network resource usage with the Performance Monitor program that is included with Windows.
    • You are not constrained by network bandwidth; you can achieve the best performance by leaving the compression no option unchanged and enabling hardware compaction on the tape drive, which also reduces storage requirements.

    For VSS backups, specify the COMPRESSIon option in the backup-archive client options file that is used as the local DSMAGENT node. If the environment is configured for VSS offloaded backups, specify the COMPRESSIon option in the backup-archive client options file that is used as the remote DSMAGENT node.


    Specify whether the Tivoli Storage Manager API deduplicates data before the data is sent to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Specify Yes or No. The value applies only if Tivoli Storage Manager allows client-side data deduplication.

    When you specify both deduplication and ENABLELANFree options, the deduplication option is ignored.

    You can enable client-side data deduplication by specifying DEDUPLICATION YES in the dsm.opt file.

    Specify this option to encrypt databases during backup and restore processing by generating one random encryption key per session.
    Restriction: You can back up encrypted VSS databases only to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. You cannot back up encrypted data to a Data Protection for Exchange Server.

    You can specify DES56 (56 bit), AES128 (128 bit), or AES256 (256 bit). The most secure data encryption method is AES256.

    In the options file, you must also specify the databases that you want to encrypt by adding an include statement with the include.encrypt option.

    For VSS backups, specify the encryption options in the backup-archive client options file that is used as the local DSMAGENT node. If the environment is configured for VSS offloaded backups, specify the encryption options in the backup-archive client options file that is used as the remote DSMAGENT node.

    If you make changes in the backup-archive client options file, ensure that you restart the Tivoli Storage Manager Client Acceptor Daemon (CAD) service for the Exchange or SQL Server.

    If you run data backup and restore operations in a LAN-free environment, specify ENABLELANFree yes in the DSMAGENT (VSS Requestor) options file.
    To set policy for VSS backups, specify the VSSPOLICY statement in the Data Protection for Exchange Server configuration file.
    The general include and exclude syntax is similar to the following syntax:
    include "objectNameSpecification" [ManagementClassName]
    exclude "objectNameSpecification"
    where objectNameSpecification is as follows:
    and where backupType is one of the following types:
    full, copy, incr, diff

    This example binds mailbox history objects to management class CLASS4:


What to do next

You can create more Data Protection for Exchange Serveroptions files to point to another Tivoli Storage Manager server. You can create more than one options file, where each file contains different parameters to use with a single Tivoli Storage Manager server.