Error log files

If an error condition occurs during a Data Protection for SQL Server event, you can view several log files to help diagnose the problem.

For example, you can confirm that Data Protection for SQL Server failed over by searching entries about the secondary server in the following log files:
  • Tivoli\tsm\TDPSQL\dsierror.log
  • Tivoli\tsm\baclient\dsmerror.log
  • Data Protection for SQL Server logs information about backup, restore, and delete commands to the Tivoli® Event Console.
  • Data Protection for SQL Server logs information, by default, to the tdpsql.log file in the directory where Data Protection for SQL Server is installed. This file indicates the date and time of a backup, the data that is backed up, and any error messages or completion codes. This file is very important and should be monitored daily.
  • The Tivoli Storage Manager API logs API error information, by default, to the dsierror.log file in the directory where Data Protection for SQL Server is installed. No backup statistics are contained in this log. The dsierror.log file cannot be marked as read-only.
  • Data Protection for SQL Server logs information to the SQL Server error log. The SQL Server error log information can be viewed using the SQL Server administration tools.
  • The Tivoli Storage Manager scheduler logs information to both the dsmsched.log and the dsmerror.log files. By default, these files are located in the directory where the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client is installed.
    Tip: Output from scheduled commands are sent to the scheduler log file (dsmsched.log). After the scheduled work completes, check the log to ensure work completed successfully.
    When a scheduled command is processed, the scheduler log can contain the following entry:
      Scheduled event eventname completed successfully
    This entry is merely an indication that Tivoli Storage Manager successfully issued the scheduled command associated with the eventname. No attempt is made to determine the success or failure of the command. You can assess the success or failure of the command by evaluating the return code from the scheduled command in the scheduler log. The scheduler log entry for the command's return code is prefaced with the following text:
      Finished command. Return code is: return_code_number
  • Windows System and Application Event Log.
  • For VSS operations, view the dsmerror.log file in the backup-archive client installation directory.