IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

HEAPDUMPs and JAVACore files are placed on desktops when running in browser mode

About this task

The Tivoli® Enterprise Portal client uses the IBM® Java™ Plug-in, which is automatically installed on your computer with the portal client. Adjust the IBM Java Plug-in properties if performance is slow or your workstation receives HEAPDUMPs and JAVACore files, an out-of-memory condition, when you are logged on. Make the following adjustments to correct this problem:
  • Increase the Java heap size settings. Set the minimum heap size to 128 MB. Set the maximum heap size to 256 MB. If you continue to experience problems, increase the maximum setting in increments of 64 MB until the symptoms disappear.
  • When memory requests by the Tivoli Enterprise Portal cannot be satisfied from Java heap storage, the JVM performs garbage collection to reclaim free memory. If the Java heap size settings are too small, the amount of time it takes to perform garbage collection becomes excessive, resulting in high CPU utilization and poor response time. In some cases, Java HEAPDUMPS and JAVACore files are placed on user desktops, indicating an out-of-memory condition. Increasing the Java heap size parameters over the default values helps you avoid these problems.
  • If you observe symptoms of heap memory exhaustion after changing the heap size settings to the suggested values, increase the maximum setting in increments of 64 MB until the symptoms disappear.
  • Make sure the client workstation has enough memory to handle the maximum heap size. To determine if the client workstation has sufficient memory, observe the available physical memory (as shown on the Windows Task Manager Performance tab) when the workstation is not running the Tivoli Enterprise Portal client, but is running any other applications that need to run concurrently with the portal client. Verify that the client workstation has enough available physical memory to hold the entire maximum Java heap size for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal plus another 150 MB. The additional 150 MB provides an allowance for non-Java heap storage for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal and extra available memory for use by the operating system.
  • Set the Java Plug-in cache to an unlimited size to avoid performance problems due to insufficient cache space for Tivoli Enterprise Portal JAR files.
  • If you have just upgraded to a new release or fix pack, clear the plug-in cache to remove old versions of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal JAR files.

Complete the following steps to adjust the Java Plug-in settings:


  1. Open the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Double-click IBM Control Panel for Java(TM) to display the Java(TM) Control Panel.
  3. From the Java(TM) tab:
    1. Click View.
    2. Double-click on the Java Runtime Parameters field and enter: -Xms128m -Xmx256m .
  4. Click OK.
  5. From the General tab complete the following steps to clear the browser cache:
    1. Click Delete Files...
    2. Check the box labeled Downloaded Applets.
    3. Click OK.
  6. Click OK in the Java(TM) Control Panel.


Note: On 64-bit systems when a 32-bit SUN JRE is already installed, the 32-bit SUN JRE control panel appears independently when you access Start->Control Panel->Add or Remove Programs->Java. After installing a 64-bit SUN JRE over the 32-bit SUN JRE, the 32-bit SUN JRE control panel disappears from the location, and the 64-bit SUN JRE control panel appears when you access Start->Control Panel->Add or Remove Programs->Java instead of the 32-bit SUN JRE control panel. If you want to access the 32-bit SUN JRE control panel, use the 32bit_jre_install_dir/bin/javacpl.exe file.
