IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

i5 Disk attributes

Use the i5 Disk attributes to monitor the status and details for disk units, including the type and status of protection in use for the disk units. i5 Disk attributes are sampled attributes in the operational areas of configuration and operations.

The i5 Disk attribute group is similar to the OS/400® Disk Unit attribute group and includes several of the same attributes. The differences are that the i5 Disk attributes are gathered using a faster mechanism, and they contain disk protection and status information added over the past few i5/OS™ releases. The OS/400 Disk Unit attributes can still be used for their detailed performance numbers, but they continue to use the performance collection function of i5/OS. The performance collection function requires several fifteen second or longer intervals to gather data, and uses more i5/OS resources than the mechanism used for the i5 Disk attributes.

ASP number The number of the Auxiliary Storage Pool to which this unit is currently allocated. A value of 0 indicates that this unit is currently unallocated. A value of 1 specifies the system ASP. A value of 2 - 32 indicates a basic user ASP. Independent user ASPs have a value of 33 - 255.

Capacity The space in number of MB on the non-mirrored unit or mirrored pair. This attribute is the capacity of the unit prior to any formatting or allocation of space by the system. For a mirrored pair, this space is the number of bytes of auxiliary storage on either one of the mirrored units. Unit capacity is also known as “logical capacity”. For compressed drives the logical capacity is dynamic and changes depending on how well the data is compressed. This value is zero for non-configured units.

Compressed Indicates that the unit uses compression. The logical capacity of the unit might be greater than its physical capacity in bytes, depending on how well the data can be compressed. The following values are valid:

Mirror status The status of the mirrored unit. The following values are valid:

N/A (0)
The disk unit is not mirrored.
Active (1)
This mirrored unit of a mirrored pair is active (that is, on-line with current data).
Synchronizing (2)
The mirrored unit is being synchronized.
Suspended (3)
This mirrored unit is suspended.
Last_Known_Active (41)
The unit has not reported in this IMPL. Its last known state was Active.
Last_Known_Synchronizing (42)
The unit has not reported in this IMPL. Its last known state was Synchronizing.
Last_Known_Suspended (43)
The unit has not reported in this IMPL. Its last known state was Suspended.

Multipath Indicates that the system has multipath connections to the disk unit. The following values are valid:

Name The unique ten-character name for the unit that is assigned by the system.

Origin node The managed system name. The format is hostname:agent_code.

Examples include spark:KA4 or

In workspace queries, set this attribute to be equal to the $NODE$ value to populate the workspace with data. This attribute is generally not included in situations, unless there is a need to customize the situation for a specific managed system.

Parity Indicates whether this unit is device parity protected. The following values are valid:

Percent_Busy The approximate percentage of time that the disk unit is busy. Set to NA (-1) if the disk is not configured or its use cannot be determined. Valid values range from 0-100.

Percent_Used The percent of the capacity that is currently used. If the capacity is zero, this value is zero. Valid values range from 0-100.

Percent_Reserved The percent of the capacity that is reserved for use by the computer. This storage is not available for storing objects, redundancy data, and other internal computer data. This value is zero for non-configured units. Valid values range from 0-100.

Raid_Type The current type of RAID (device parity) array that this unit belongs to. The following values are valid:

Serial number The serial number of the device containing this auxiliary storage unit. This ten-character serial number field identifies the vital product data for the disk device.

Status The current status of the disk unit. The following values are valid:

-1 Not_configured The disk is not in use by the system.


Unknown The current status cannot be determined.


Active The array subsystem is active.


Failed This unit in an array subsystem has failed. Data protection for the subsystem is no longer in effect.


Other_unit_failed. This unit is operational, but another unit in the array subsystem has failed. Data protection for this subsystem is no longer in effect.


Degraded The array subsystem is operational and data protection for this subsystem is in effect, but a failure that might affect performance has occurred. It must be fixed.


Hardware_failure The array subsystem is operational and data protection for this subsystem is in effect, but hardware failure has occurred. It must be fixed.


Parity_rebuilt The device parity protection for this device is being rebuilt following a repair action.


Not_ready The unit is not ready for I/O operation.


Write_protected The write operation is not allowed on the unit.


Busy The unit is busy.


Not_operational The unit being addressed is not operational. The status of the device is not known.


Unknown The unit being addressed has an unexpected status. The unit is operational, but its status returned to Storage Management from the IOP is not one of those previously described.


Status_not_available The computer is not able to communicate with I/O processor. The status of the device is not known.


Read-write_protected The unit is in a read/write protected state. An array might be in the read/write protected state when there is a problem, such as a cache problem, configuration problem, or some other array problems that can create a data integrity exposure.

Unit model This four-byte character field from the vital product data for the disk device identifies the model of the drive.

Unit number System assigned number for the disk unit (units of a mirrored pair have the same unit number, while non-configured units have a unit number of zero).

Unit type This four-byte character field from the vital product data for the disk device identifies the type of drive.
