IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

tacmd clearDeployStatus


Use the tacmd clearDeployStatus command to remove entries from the table that stores the status of the asynchronous agent deployment operations. The command allows you to clear all the entries in the status table. This command also provides the option of filtering the table entries which deletes specific entries from the status table entries down to a specific deployment operation. You must log in by using the tacmd login command before running the tacmd clearDeployStatus command.
Note: Remote Deployment is not supported in environments with a z/OS Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. This restriction includes this command.

CLI syntax

Clear all the entries in the status table, except in-progress entries:

tacmd clearDeployStatus {-a|--all}

Clear all the entries in the status table, including in-progress entries:

tacmd clearDeployStatus {-a|--all} {-i|–inprogress}

Clear specific deployment operation in the status table:

tacmd clearDeployStatus
                      [{-g|--transactionID}TRANSID ...]
                      [{-c|--command} COMMAND]
                      [{-h|--hostname} HOSTNAME]
                      [{-p|--platform} PLATFORM...]
                      [{-v|--version} VERSION]

Specifies global transaction ID.
Specifies the type of the deployment operation. Acceptable operations are: START, RESTART, STOP, INSTALL, REMOVE, CONFIGURE, UPDATE, CHECKPREREQ, or SETAGENTCONN.
Specifies the hostname of the deployment operation that is deleted from the status table.
Specifies the platform of the deployment operation that is deleted from the status table.
Specifies the version of the deployment operation that is deleted from the status table.
Specifies the product type of the deployment operation that is deleted from the status table.
The flag to filter the result by the failed transaction.
The flag to filter the result by the successful transaction.
The flag to filter the result by the queued transaction.
The flag to filter the result by the retryable transaction.
The flag to allow the clearing of an i-progress transaction.
Note: This flag cannot be used on its own and the user must confirm the action of clearing an in-progress transaction (unless the -y|--yes option in specified).
The flag specifying the performing of actions without requesting confirmation.
This option clears all the entries in the Remote Deploy status table, except for the in-progress entries (unless the -i|--inprogress option is specified).

CLI example

The following command clears the deployment status for the transaction ID "121730470371900000015724" on the Tivoli® Enterprise Monitoring Server you are logged on to:

tacmd cleardeploystatus -g 121730470371900000015724

Return values

See Table 1.

Related commands

Return to Table 1.
