Configuring the Database

Configuring the database involves running the audit or reporter mode scripts for the Oracle database.

Audit and reporter scripts create all the schema objects required to store data processed by the gateway, including the tablespace, temporary tablespace, user reporter or reporter, tables (status, journal, and details), indexes, and constraints.

What script you run depends on whether you want to run the gateway in audit mode or reporter mode. See Audit mode and reporter mode for details of how the gateway operates in each mode.


Before you can run any audit or reporter script, the following conditions must be met:
  1. The gateway is installed.
  2. If you want to run the gateway in audit mode, you have installed the audit mode patch.
  3. If you want to run the gateway in reporter mode, you have installed the reporter mode patch.
  4. You have a valid database user name and password, with sufficient rights to create users and tablespaces.

Running the audit mode scripts

To run the audit scripts for Oracle, use the following steps:
  1. Change to the directory containing the audit scripts:
    • On UNIX operating systems, the directory is $OMNIHOME/gates/audit/oracle.
    • On Windows operating systems, the directory is %OMNIHOME%\gates\audit\oracle.
  2. Run SQLPLUS and enter the database user name and password in the form user name/password@HostString.

    For example, system/manager@ORCL.

    The SQL> prompt is displayed.

  3. Run the audit scripts located in the oracle directory.

Running the reporter mode scripts

To run the reporter scripts for Oracle, use the following steps:
  1. Change to the directory containing the reporter scripts:
    • On UNIX and Linux® operating systems, the directory is $OMNIHOME/gates/reporter/oracle.
    • On Windows operating systems, the directory is %OMNIHOME%\gates\reporter\oracle.
  2. Run SQLPLUS and enter the database user name and password in the form user name/password@HostString.

    For example, system/manager@ORCL.

    The SQL> prompt is displayed.

  3. Run the reporter scripts located in the oracle directory.