Modifying available MBean attributes

You can customize IBM® Rational® ClearQuest® Web server by setting available MBean attributes.
Attention: Do not modify any MBean attributes unless these are documented as modifiable with the [W] notation for write, or IBM Support instructs you to do so. Modifying read-only [R] or undocumented MBean attributes can affect system performance.

The attributes are categorized by the MBean in which they reside. You can retrieve all parameters as denoted by [R] for read. The modifiable parameters are denoted by [W] for write. You can access the attributes with Jacl commands by using the IBM WebSphere® Application Server wsadmin command line utility. The teamAdminUtils.jacl file provides examples of Jacl commands, syntax, and functions. You can also modify some of the ClearQuest Web server MBean attributes by using the Site Configuration dialog box.

You can make changes to the modifiable MBean parameters only while ClearQuest Web server is running. The changes take effect immediately without restarting the server processes. Changes made to MBean attributes that govern the start of backend Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC RPC) server processes do not affect backend ONC RPC processes that have already been started. Only new backend ONC RPC server processes use the new settings.

Two MBeans are created when ClearQuest Web server starts: TeamServerMBean, which holds ClearQuest Web server configuration attributes, and CqServerFactoryMBean, which holds ClearQuest managed connection factory attributes.

The ClearQuest managed connection factory is the ClearQuest Web server component responsible for starting one or more multithreaded ClearQuest ONC RPC backend server processes. Because each ClearQuest RPC process is multithreaded, it can process requests from many different credentials. The ClearQuest managed connection factory automatically performs lifecycle management on each ClearQuest RPC process.

ClearQuest Web server includes the following MBeans.
