Setting database properties and connection information

Rational® ClearQuest® versions 2003.06.13 to 7.0 included changes to database properties and database drivers. If you are upgrading to version 7.1.x, you must change the database properties of your schema repositories and user databases, and propagate modified connection information to clients. If you do not, many of the Rational ClearQuest clients will fail to connect to the Rational ClearQuest databases. This content describes these changes and the changes that you might need to make in your environment to accommodate them.

The modified database properties and the new database drivers have eliminated the need to install DB2® and Oracle client software on computers that run Rational ClearQuest for Windows clients.

Modify all of the schema repositories and user databases before you upgrade your clients to version 7.1.x. This simplifies the distribution of connection information for the version 7.1.x clients.
