Migrating the DCT.properties file

You must manually migrate the Rational® ClearQuest® web settings in the DCT.properties file when you upgrade from ClearQuest version 7.0.x to version 7.1.x.

Before you begin

Attention: The tool to migrate the DCT.properties file runs on Windows®, Linux®, and UNIX® systems. For Linux and UNIX systems, substitute /opt/rational/ for C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\ in the command examples.


  1. PLAN: Before beginning the upgrade, back up your DCT.properties file to a temporary directory. By default, the DCT.properties file is located in: C:\Program Files\Rational\Common\rwp\EmbeddedExpress\profiles\profile1\installedApps\DefaultNode\RationalClearQuestWeb.ear\CQWebModule.war\WEB-INF\classes\wpf\conf.
  2. INSTALL: Complete the Rational ClearQuest version 7.1.x installation.
  3. POST-INSTALL: Prepare to run the DCT.properties conversion tool by adding two jar files to the class path: cqwebapp.jar and json.jar. By default, the jar files are located in: C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\common\CM\profiles\cmprofile\installedApps\dfltCell\TeamEAR.ear\CQWebModule.war\WEB-INF\lib. For example, set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;"C:\Program Files\IBM\ RationalSDLC\common\CM\profiles\cmprofile\installedApps\dfltCell\TeamEAR.ear\CQWebModule.war\WEB-INF\lib\cqwebapp.jar";"C:\Program Files\IBM\ RationalSDLC\common\CM\profiles\cmprofile\installedApps\dfltCell\TeamEAR.ear\CQWebModule.war\WEB-INF\lib\json.jar"
  4. POST-INSTALL: Run the Java™ program, com.ibm.rational.cq.web.utils.CQSiteConfigConverter, to migrate the DCT.properties files to the new format. This program accepts two command line parameters: the full path name of the old DCT.properties file that you want to convert and the full path name of the new properties file you are creating. The new file can be saved in any directory, but should be called cqSiteConfig.pref. The following example takes the settings from the old DCT.properties file in the directory C:\temp directory and creates a file: C:\temp\cqSiteConfig.pref:

    C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\common\JAVA5.0\jre\bin\java com.ibm.rational.cq.web.utils.CQSiteConfigConverter "C:\temp\DCT.properties" "C:\temp\cqSiteConfig.pref"

  5. POST-INSTALL: When you upgraded Rational ClearQuest, a default version of the cqSiteConfig.pref file was created here: C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\common\CM\profiles\cmprofile\installedApps\dfltCell\TeamEAR.ear\CQWebModule.war\WEB-INF\config\cqSiteConfig.pref. Save a backup copy of this file and then overwrite it with the new cqSiteConfig.pref file that you created in the previous step.
