Synchronizing the database with changes from a work area

You can update the database with changes made in a work area. For a working or visible project, only the owner of the project can perform the operation. For a build management project, you must be a build manager to perform this operation. The work area must be visible and modifiable by you.

About this task

ccm rwa|recon|reconcile -udb|-update_db -p|-project [-t|-task task_spec] 
        ([-cu|-consider_uncontrolled] | [-iu|-ignore_uncontrolled]) 
        ([-mwaf|-missing_wa_file] | [-imwaf|-ignore_missing_wa_file]) 
        ([-r|-recurse] | [-nr|-norecurse|-no_recurse]) 
        [-if|-ignore_files|-ignore_types file_type,...] project_spec...
ccm rwa|recon|reconcile -udb|-update_db [-t|-task task_spec] 
        ([-cu|-consider_uncontrolled] | [-iu|-ignore_uncontrolled]) 
        ([-mwaf|-missing_wa_file] | [-imwaf|-ignore_missing_wa_file]) 
        ([-r|-recurse] | [-nr|-norecurse|-no_recurse]) 
        [-if|-ignore_files|-ignore_types file_type,...] file_spec...
Specifies that uncontrolled files are brought under source control and created as objects in the database, copying the file contents from the work area. If neither -cu|-consider_uncontrolled or -if|-ignore_files|-ignore_uncontrolled is specified, the default is to ignore uncontrolled files.
Specifies the file or directory to be reconciled.
-if|-ignore_files|-ignore_types file_type,...
See Showing work area conflicts.
Specifies to ignore files that are missing from the work area and not to remove or delete the corresponding members of the project. The default is to ignore missing work area files.
This option applies to version or later. Specifies to ignore the files which differ only by timestamp, but not by content, while comparing a static file in the database with the corresponding work area file. By specifying this option, if the work area file has changed only by timestamp and not by content, then the file is not checked out and synced. If this option is not specified, then a new version of the file is created and synced, even if the work area file differs only by timestamp, but not by content, when compared to the static database file.
Note: Using this option will result in slower performance as considerable extra processing is involved in content matching. This relative slowness can be significant for a large work area involving a large number of files and/or large file sizes. Use this option only if necessary.
Specifies to ignore uncontrolled files during reconcile. If neither -cu|-consider_uncontrolled or -if|-ignore_files|-ignore_uncontrolled is specified, the default is to ignore uncontrolled files.
Specifies to create missing work area files from corresponding objects in the database. The default is to ignore missing work area files.
See Showing work area conflicts.
-p|-project project_spec
Specifies the project to be reconciled.
See Showing work area conflicts.
-t|-task -task_spec
Specifies to associate the task with new files or directories created or checked out by reconcile. If not specified, the current task is used by default. You can set the task_spec to a single task.
See Showing work area conflicts.


Reconcile the file main.c by updating the database from the work area.

ccm reconcile -update_db main.c-1:csrc:1
