
Use the file, which provides extended documentation for these tasks, to configure major scripting functions.To update the file, use the Update Property page from the Appliance Dashboard of the Identity Manager virtual appliance console. See Managing the server properties.

Following are the major scripting functions:

Specifies which extensions to load for each host component. To load more than a single extension for any host component, add a suffix to the properties key (each key must be unique). For example:
Configures the interpreter to use for each host component. The default is the IBM® JSEngine.
All objects available to scripts are really Java™ objects that are used by IBM Security Identity Manager. To prevent security issues, IBM Security Identity Manager wraps these objects in wrappers. Use this area of the file to change the default wrappers that are used by IBM Security Identity Manager. Default scripts that are provided by IBM Security Identity Manager assume the use of default wrappers. If you change the scripts, functions might stop working. This area is for advanced use only.
Determines whether profiling information is collected and included in the trace log and whether plain text passwords can be accessed from Person and Account objects.