Registering providers

You must register providers so that they can provide services for your organization. Registered providers are added to the provider registry as active providers. To avoid duplicate registrations, ensure that you search for existing providers before you register a provider.

About this task

A unique reference number is generated for each registered provider, which cannot be modified or deleted. The name Reference Number is reserved for the generated reference number.

The provider record is the complete set of information about a provider that is available in the administrator application. The provider profile is information about a provider that is relevant to care teams and available in the care team application.


  1. Sign in with your administrator credentials.
    Your home page opens.
  2. From the Side Navigation menu, select Providers > Provider Registry.
    The provider registry opens.
  3. Click Register.
    The Register Provider wizard opens.
  4. Search for the provider to ensure that they are not already registered. Partial matches are supported for names and full matches for identification numbers.
  5. If the provider is not registered, click Next. If the provider is already registered, click Cancel.
  6. Enter these details for the provider:
    • Name - You must enter a provider name of at least 3 characters. The provider's name is mandatory.
    • Phone - Enter the provider's phone number.
    • Email Address - Enter the provider's email address.
    • Identification Type - Select the identification number type.
    • Identification Number - Enter an identification number.
    • Website - Enter the full web address for the provider’s website. For example, or
  7. Enter the provider's Care Quality Commission (CQC) Provider ID.
    • Provider ID - Enter a CQC provider identification number in the format 1-1XXXXXXXX. If you enter a CQC provider ID, it must be verified with a CQC service before it is saved. If the CQC service is not available, the ID number cannot be saved. You can add the CQC provider ID later. The CQC Provider ID applies only in the UK and the option is available in the UK only.
  8. Enter an address for the provider.
    • Confirm Location - You can confirm the map location of the address before saving. When you enter an address, a default map location is automatically assigned to the address based on the address information. Ensure that the address information is as accurate as possible for a more precise location. The map opens at the default location of the address. Drag the map to change the location of the address. If needed, you can reset the map to the default location. If you do not change the location, the default location is saved.
    • Primary - A provider can have a single primary address, which is displayed on the provider's profile. If you want this address to be the primary address, select the Primary check box.
  9. Enter a contact for a provider.
    • Name - Enter the contact's name.
    • Role - Enter the contact's role.
    • Phone - Enter the contact's phone number.
    • Mobile Phone - Enter the contact's mobile phone number.
    • Email Address - Enter the contact's email address.
    • Primary - A provider can have multiple primary contacts that are displayed on the provider's profile. If you want this contact to be a primary contact, ensure that the check box is selected. If not, clear the check box.
  10. Click Save to register the provider.
    The provider is added to the provider registry. A unique reference number is generated for the provider and provider information is added to the provider record.