Managing care team actions

A Quick View is available in the application where you can view and manage all open care team actions for active clients. You or other members of the care team must take responsibility for listed actions.

About this task

In the My Actions section, you can edit, add progress, and complete actions that are currently assigned to you. The My Actions list shows all actions for active clients where you are a current member of their care team. Actions for inactive clients are not listed.

In the Unassigned section, you can view care team actions associated with your care team role, which are not yet assigned and you are potentially responsible for. The Unassigned list shows all unassigned actions for active clients. Actions for inactive clients are not listed. You can assign a care team action to yourself or to another care team member, or you can edit, add progress, and complete unassigned actions.


  1. Sign in to your account.
    Your home page opens.
  2. Select Actions from the Side Navigation menu.
    The Actions page opens.
  3. For any action in the My Actions section or Unassigned section, choose from the following tasks.
    • Select Actions > Edit to modify the details of the care team action.
    • Select Actions > Add Progress to add a progress update.
    • Select Actions > Complete to complete an action. The action is removed from the My Actions or Unassigned lists.
  4. To review the details of an action, click an action name.
    The Care Team Actions page for the associated client opens.