Configuring user-defined answer types for assessment answers

In addition to the default answer types, you can configure user-defined answer types for your assessment answers. You must create the answer types and define the associated answer options and scores, and define how the answer options are displayed. You can edit or delete user-defined answer types, and associate answer types with questions.

Before you begin

You can define answer types Drop down, Multiple Select and Radio Button. You can define answer values for each of these types.

About this task

The following default answer types are available.
  • Check Box
  • Date
  • Decimal
  • Multiple Line
  • Number
  • Text
For other answers, create your own user-defined answer types. A user-defined answer type consists of the answer options and the display type. The display type defines how the options are displayed, for example, as radio buttons. Only user-defined answer types can be used to call conditional questions.

The Answers section shows the user-defined answer types that are configured for the assessment. You can view the answer types and the associated answers and scores.


  1. Sign in with your administrator credentials.
    Your home page opens.
  2. Click Assessments.
    The list of assessments is displayed.
  3. Expand an assessment. The assessment versions are displayed.
  4. Open a draft version.
    • If an In Edit version exists, click the assessment name to open the in-edit version.
    • If no In Edit version exists, select New Version from the assessment Actions menu and accept the default type to create an in-edit version.
    The assessment's Script tab is displayed.
  5. Create an answer type and associated answers for use in the assessment.
    1. Select New Answer Type.
    2. Enter a name.
    3. Select the display type for the answer options.
      The available display types are drop-down list, multiple selection list, or radio button.
    4. Enter the answer texts for each answer option in the order that you want them to display. Enter a numerical Score value, and click Add.
      • The Answer text is visible to the user when they run the assessment.
      • Available answers include Yes, No; and Never, Sometimes, Always.
      • The score value is used to score a completed assessment.
    5. Click Save to create the answer type.
      The answers are displayed in the order that you enter them.
  6. Optional: To reorder the sequence of answers in the questionnaire, click Reorder Answers in the Actions menu of any answer. In the Reorder Answers page, drag and drop the answers to position them in your preferred order.
  7. Do the following tasks in the Actions menu of rows in the Answers section.
    • You can make these selections in an Answer Type row.
      • Click Associate with Questions to associate an answer type with any questions that do not have an assigned answer type.
      • Click Edit. The Edit Answer Type page is displayed. Modify name or type, and add answers, as needed.
      • Click Delete. When you delete an answer type, the associated answers are deleted. The association with questions is also removed.
    • In an Answer row, click Edit or Delete.
  8. Optional: Select Validate to validate the assessment version.