Creating identification types

You can configure an identification type to make it available for use by care teams.

About this task

You can associate an external system reference with the identification type record that you are creating. When sending an identification type as an API attribute, the external system identifies the identification type by its external system reference. You can configure only one preferred identification type.


  1. Sign in with your administrator credentials.
    Your home page opens.
  2. Click Client Data > Identification Types.
    Existing identification types are displayed. The State indicates whether identification types that are configured in the application are available to the care team to use. The External System Reference displays the reference that the external system uses to identify the identification type. Preferred Identification indicates whether the identification type is the preferred identification type to display throughout the application for all clients, for example, in the client context pane and downloaded PDFs.
  3. Click New.
    The New Identification Type page opens.
  4. Name the type of identification.
  5. Optional: In the External System Reference field, enter a unique reference number of up to 20 alphanumeric characters.
  6. Optional: You can indicate whether this is the preferred identification type to display for all clients. Care teams can override this configuration for individual clients in the Care Team workspace if needed.
  7. Click Save.