Generating tasks from programs

You can configure tasks to be automatically created based on any program status. Tasks are added to the appropriate task lists when the program is set to that status for the client.

About this task

Tasks are not added for existing clients where programs are already in the status. If you want new tasks to be applied to existing clients, you must complete the program and enroll the client again.


  1. Sign in with your administrator credentials.
    Your home page opens.
  2. Click Care Planning > Programs.
    The list of programs is displayed.
  3. Select a program.
    The program home page opens.
  4. Select the Tasks tab, and trigger tasks to be created based on program status by completing the following steps.
    1. Click Add.
    2. Search for and select a task.
    3. Set the task to be created as open or closed. For example, the task Request client to start program can be closed as a result of enrolling a client in a program. By default, tasks are created as open.
    4. Select a program status to trigger the creation of the task:
      • Assigned
      • Pending
      • Enrolled
      • Completed
      • Disenrolled
      • Not Enrolled
    5. From the list of available care team roles, select a role to assign the task to. Only care team roles that are currently assigned to users are available to choose. Tasks are added to the unassigned list for users with that care team role who can accept and complete the task.
    6. Click Add.
    You can remove a task by clicking the Actions menu of the task, and selecting Remove.