Using single-path storage devices

Support for single-path storage devices is different depending on your operating environment.


Full support is provided for single-path storage devices:
  • Harvested IBM.AgFileSystem resources can be automated.

    IBM.AgFileSystem resources are harvested if they are of type jfs or jfs2 and reside on storage entities that are harvested themselves (storage entities of class IBM.LogicalVolume, IBM.VolumeGroup, IBM.Disk.

  • User-defined IBM.AgFileSystem resources can be automated, for example, network file systems.
  • SCSI-2 reservation is supported.
  • No striping
  • User-defined IBM.AgFileSystem resources can only be automated if the disk hosting the file system has the same device name on all nodes of the cluster.

Linux® on POWER® and Linux on System x

Limited support is provided:
  • Harvested IBM.AgFileSystem resources can be automated.

    IBM.AgFileSystem resources are harvested if they are of type ext2, ext3, or reiserfs and reside on storage entities that are harvested themselves (storage entities of class IBM.LogicalVolume, IBM.Partition, IBM.VolumeGroup, IBM.Disk.

  • User-defined IBM.AgFileSystem resources can be automated, for example network file systems.
  • Support for SCSI reservation is limited. Perform a disk reserve operation to check whether SCSI reservation is available.
  • User-defined IBM.AgFileSystem resources can only be automated if the disk hosting the file system has the same device name on all nodes of the cluster.

Linux on System z®

Device mapper provided or md devices are harvested as IBM.Disk resources if a physical volume has been created on the md device using the pvcreate command.

  • Only user-defined IBM.AgFileSystem resources or IBM.AgFileSystem resources residing on harvested device mapper provided or md devices can be automated. Resource harvesting for other disks is not supported. Even if harvesting of other disk resources is successful, the harvested resources cannot be automated.
  • User-defined IBM.AgFileSystem resources can only be automated if the disk hosting the file system has the same device name on all nodes of the cluster.
  • SCSI reservation is not supported.