Windows Service Specific Error Codes

When running a server as a Windows service and the service does not start, a Payment Feature Services specific error code may be reported by the Service Control Manager. An error message in the event log also appears. For a list of possible error codes, see Table 1.

Most of the error codes from 20000-29999 have one or more corresponding error codes listed in messages that are reported in the event log. For possible causes and actions to take, see Messages. For error codes from 10000-19999, the probable cause is a set up issue that may require IBM® Support.

Table 1. Windows Service Specific Error Codes
Error Code Description
10000 Error initiating the Java™ Virtual Machine
10001 Error obtaining the Java environment variable
10002 Error initiating the main Java service class
10003 Error creating the main Java service class
10004 Error calling a JNI method of the main Java service class
10005 The service takes too long to start
10006 Error reporting the service status to the Service Control Manager
10007 Invalid configuration file
20000 A SystemResourceException occurred
20001 A LocalCommandImplException occurred
20002 A ManagerException occurred
20003 A GatewayException occurred
20004 A PlatformException occurred
20005 A ComponentException occurred
20006 A DatabaseManagerException occurred
20007 A ClassNotFoundException occurred
20008 An InstantiationException occurred
20009 An IllegalAccessException occurred
20010 A ConfigKeyMissingException occurred
20011 A ConfigManagerException occurred
20012 A LoggingManagerException occurred
20013 A MessageFileException occurred
20014 A LicenseException occurred
20015 A general exception occurred that is not any of the mentioned exception types
20016 A WIPException occurred
20017 A FileLocatorException occurred
20018 A CommandProcessorException occurred
20019 A CPCSGatewayException occurred
20020 A SharedArchiveException occurred
20021 A SchedulerException occurred
20022 A ServicesException occurred
20023 A RepositoryException occurred