Transaction Server Event Handler Configuration

To automate inbound billing processing as batches enter the system, configure the Transaction Server to alert the inbound billing task of specific batch events. The example shows a typical configuration using the Transaction Server Scheduler.xml file to set up the requisite event reporting:
  <NAME>Inbound Billing</NAME>
  <PARAMETER name="msgType">TaskInitiation</PARAMETER>
  <PARAMETER name="destinationID">Inbound Billing</PARAMETER>
  <PARAMETER name="jmsQmgrHostname">localhost</PARAMETER>
  <PARAMETER name="jmsQmgrPort">1414</PARAMETER>
  <PARAMETER name="jmsClient">true</PARAMETER>
  <PARAMETER name="jmsUserId">pduser</PARAMETER>
  <PARAMETER name="jmsPassword">pduser10</PARAMETER>
The event configuration is given the name Inbound Billing. Any unique event name can be used. The event is started by specific event types:
  • Presentment states
  • Presentment condition
The executed event handler relays the events to the target queue using a Messaging API message:
The remaining parameters are used to send a message to a specified message queue on which Services Framework is listening. Table 1 describes the parameters.
Table 1. Transaction Server Event Handler Configuration Parameters
Property Description Value from the Example
msgType Messaging API message type ID TaskInitiation is required by Services Framework
destinationID Inbound billing task configuration name Use the value specified for the configuration setting during task configuration
preStates1 Presentment state column transitions that trigger an alert Specifies a billing event message is sent when the batch status reaches one of these states:
  • Loaded
  • Reviewed
  • Balanced
condition Deposit condition column transitions that trigger an alert Specifies a notification alert is sent when the batch condition reaches either of the values:
  • Accepted
  • Rejected
jmsQmgrHostname Host name where the target JMS event queue manager is listening URL of the machine where the target Services Framework is running
jmsQmgrChannel Target server JMS channel name JMS channel on the target Services Framework machine
jmsQmgrPort JMS port JMS port on which the target JMS system is listening
jmsClient Target JMS system is a client system Always true unless the Services Framework is running where the main MQ server is installed
jmsQmgrName Target JMS queue manager name JMS queue manager on the target Services Framework machine
jmsSendQueue Target JMS queue Target JMS queue where the Services Framework is listening
jmsReplyQueue JMS queue used to request a response Transaction Server JMS queue where a response is expected. If unspecified, a response is not required and the notification is asynchronous.