Exporting a ruleset archive

You can export a ruleset archive in Rule Designer to deploy a ruleset to your Java™ SE environment, or to Rule Execution Server and zRule Execution Server for z/OS®.

About this task

A ruleset archive prepares your rules for deployment so that it can be integrated into an embedded rule engine.

For deployment to Rule Execution Server, you must create a RuleApp.

You create a ruleset archive from one or more rule projects. Multiple projects are set with the Rule Project Dependencies property for the main project. Rule Designer provides a ruleset extraction facility which you can use to filter only those rules in a project that you want placed in a ruleset archive for subsequent execution. The ruleset archive is generated with all the rules of the project unless you define a ruleset extractor.


To export a ruleset archive:

  1. In the Rule Explorer, right-click the rule project, and click Export > Ruleset Archive.

    On the Export a Ruleset Archive page, the selected Rule project is shown, but you can select a different project using the Browse button.

  2. If you want to filter the ruleset, click Use a ruleset extractor and select the extractor from the drop-down list.
  3. Complete the Archive file field.

    You can select an existing archive from the drop-down list or use the Browse button to access the archive file location. For a new archive, type in a new name in the format <filename>.jar.

    Note: If you set the Rule Engine property for your rule project to Decision engine, the format of the generated archive is <filename>.dsar. Two additional options are also displayed:
    • Optimize ruleset loading (Java bytecode generation): This option is selected by default. The generation of the Java bytecode improves the ruleset loading time.
    • Include debugging information for IBM customer support: This option is only necessary for troubleshooting purposes. This option generates information for the IBM® customer support. Do not select this option if it is not required.
  4. Click Finish.


Rule Designer creates the ruleset archive in the output directory specified in the rule project properties. The ruleset archive name is displayed in the Rule Explorer list for the project components.

A classic rule engine ruleset archive contains the rule artifacts and all the supporting data necessary to execute a ruleset.