Deploying rules from Decision Center

When the development and testing of rules is complete, you can deploy to Rule Execution Server.

In the Business console, you use deployment configurations for decision services. You deploy from any branch (release, change activity, regular branch) of a decision service. You create and deploy RuleApps for classic rule projects in the Enterprise console. Regardless of how they are created, the resulting RuleApps are equivalent.

Deployment involves different levels of security to control who can deploy what and to which servers.

The servers available for deployment are managed in the Enterprise console and apply to both consoles.

Deploying decision services

You can deploy any branch (release, change activity, regular branch) of a decision service to Rule Execution Server from the Business console.

Users with configuration manager or administrator access can create deployment configurations, which contain the decision operations that define the rulesets. All the information required for deployment is contained in the deployment configuration. Deployment configurations can be synchronized with Rule Designer.

When you deploy a decision service, the XOM is also deployed if:
  • The version of the XOM is not already present in Rule Execution Server, and
  • XOM deployment from Decision Center was enabled in Rule Designer.

Otherwise the deployment descriptor is used to ensure that the RuleApp references the correct XOM.

Deploying classic rule projects

You can deploy classic rule projects to Rule Execution Server from the Enterprise console.

Users with administrator or configuration manager access can create RuleApps and the rulesets they contain (see Configuring deployment in the Enterprise console). Other users can only deploy existing RuleApps.

You must also create the ruleset parameters and any ruleset extractors in the Enterprise console. RuleApps, ruleset parameters, and ruleset extractors cannot be synchronized with Rule Designer.

Deprecated feature:

Deprecation icon Classic rule projects are deprecated in V8.8.0. This feature will be removed in a future release of the product. See Deprecated features for migration details.