What's new in V8.8.0

Learn what's new in Operational Decision Manager for z/OS® V8.8.0.

New features and updates are available for the following components:

For deprecated and removed features, see Deprecated features.

IBM Knowledge Center

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Local help service

In addition to the online IBM® Knowledge Center for Operational Decision Manager, you can also use locally installed help files. You can access the help files from Operational Decision Manager Rule Designer, Insight Designer, or Event Designer. New informationLearn more...


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Eclipse 4.4.2 in rule editors

Operational Decision Manager for z/OS V8.8.0 uses Eclipse 4.4.2 in Rule Designer, Insight Designer, and Event Designer. You can extend an existing installation of Eclipse if it is Eclipse 4.4.2. Rational Developer for z Systems V9.5 is also required when Operational Decision Manager for z/OS is integrated into Rational Developer for z Systems. New information Learn more...

Samples and tutorials

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Focus on decision services

Operational Decision Manager V8.8.0 replaces classic rule projects with decision services, and Decision Validation Services with testing and simulation features in the Decision Center Business console. The updated samples and tutorials, including the getting started tutorials, focus on using decision services. New information Learn more...

Decision Server Rules for z/OS

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Extended support for rolling upgrades

Operational Decision Manager for z/OS now has extended support for rolling upgrades, and module compatibility between V8.7 and V8.8.0 for Decision Server Rules and Decision Center. New informationLearn more...

Java™ 7 and Java 8 support

Operational Decision Manager for z/OS now supports both Java 7 and Java 8. Java 6 is no longer supported.

To run the product modules on WebSphere® Application Server, you must use WebSphere Application Server for z/OS V8.5 instead of V8.0. New informationLearn more...

To run zRule Execution Server for z/OS on a CICS® JVM server, you must use CICS version 5.1 or later. New informationLearn more...

Improved Liberty server support

Operational Decision Manager for z/OS now has a simpler Liberty server configuration and the ability to run some components in the Liberty server within CICS 5.2 or later. New informationLearn more...

Improved SMF 120 subtype 100 records

The execution data that is captured in System Management Facility (SMF) 120 subtype 100 records now includes the engine type (classic rule engine or decision engine) and engine version, as well as other useful information. New informationLearn more...

Dynamic stub binding

The Operational Decision Manager for z/OS stubs can now be called dynamically from COBOL and PL/I applications. New informationLearn more...

Decision Server Insights for z/OS

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Insights for z/OS

Decision Server Insights for z/OS is delivered as part of Operational Decision Manager Advanced for z/OS. You can configure it in a number of ways to meet your business and performance needs. New informationLearn more...

Decision Center

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Management of users, groups, and simplified security from the Business console

A new administrative interface facilitates connections to LDAP directories and management of users and groups, with simplified permissions. New information Learn more...

Improved navigation in the Business console

Business console users can access decision service rule content with a more efficient interface. Revisit the Getting started with decision services tutorial to familiarize yourself with the improved navigation. New information Learn more...

Creation and management of decision operations in the Business console

The Business console includes a new editor to manage decision operations in decision services. New information Learn more...

Ruleflows in the Business console

A new ruleflow viewer allows users to see the details of ruleflow tasks, and navigate between flows, tasks, and rules. New information Learn more...

Performance and usability improvements in the Business console decision table editor

The decision table editor can now handle larger tables, providing smoother scrolling and faster editing. There are several usability improvements, including the layout of multiple parameters in subcolumns and enhanced spreadsheet editing. The decision table also comes with several new features that were previously only available in Rule Designer. New information Learn more...

Decision Runner support for testing

The Decision Runner now supports rule testing on the classic rule engine in the Business console. You no longer need two runtime service applications to support testing and simulation in the console. The Decision Runner covers both features for validating rules, and it works with both the classic rule engine and the decision engine. New information Learn more...

Extended support for tests and simulations with the decision engine

Decision engine support now encompasses XML XOMs. You can use the Business console to run tests and simulations on the decision engine in a decision service that is based on a Java or XML XOM. New information Learn more...