Configuring a CICS rule-owning region to execute rules in a CICS JVM server

After you configure a zRule Execution Server for z/OS® server group, you can optionally configure the server group to run on a CICS® JVM server.

Before you begin

Verify that you meet the following prerequisites:

++HBRWORKDS++ represents the high-level qualifier that is assigned to the working data sets and ++HBRHLQ++ represents the high-level qualifier that is assigned to the data sets during installation.

About this task

Use the following procedure to configure the zRule Execution Server for z/OS to run on a CICS JVM server with CICS version 5.1 or later.

For information about topology options, see Step 2: Choosing your topology.

You can configure CICS JVM Server as a highly available, scalable environment by using standard CICSPlex® System Management (CPSM) capabilities. In this configuration, the Task Related User Exit (TRUE) calls the HBRCJVMS program by using the EXEC CICS LINK command, which is routed to the specified CICS region. To create this configuration, you must perform the following procedure on both the calling CICS JVM server and the eventual rule execution CICS regions. For more information about CPSM, see the CICS Transaction Server product documentation.

In the following steps, the server group is defined by the ++HBRSSIDLIST++ JCL variable.


  1. Submit the ++HBRWORKDS++.SHBRJCL(HBRCRTI) job to create a working directory for the server on CICS. The ++HBRWORKPATH++ JCL variable specifies the location of the working directory.
  2. Run the following job to create the default CICS JVM profile in the working directory that is specified by the ++HBRWORKPATH++ JCL variable:
    • Submit the ++HBRWORKDS++.SHBRJCL(HBRCJVMP) job to create the profile, HBRJVM.
  3. In the CICS system initialization table, look for the variable, JVMPROFILEDIR, which points to the JVM profiles directory as described in CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Version 5 Release 1 in IBM Knowledge Center. If this parameter is not listed, define a new JVMPROFILEDIR to store your JVM profile.
  4. Copy the profile HBRJVM from the location that is specified by the ++HBRWORKPATH++ variable to the JVMPROFILEDIR directory for your CICS region. Ensure that the profile has appropriate read permissions set so that CICS can open it. If you are using the JVM server for another purpose, you must merge the generated profile with the preexisting one. Otherwise, you can replace any existing profile file with the generated one.
  5. Define the CICS resources that are required by the server:
    1. Submit the ++HBRWORKDS++.SHBRJCL(HBRCSD) job to define resources that are required by all CICS versions.
    2. Review the ++HBRWORKDS++.SHBRJCL(HBRCSDJ) job and make any required changes to the DB2® configuration information.
    3. Submit the job.
  6. In the CICS system initialization table, add ++CICSLIST++ to the list of resource definition groups that are specified by the GRPLIST parameter. For example:
  7. Edit the CICS region startup JCL to include the zRule Execution Server for z/OS data sets:
    1. If you are using a DB2 database, ensure that the STEPLIB for your CICS started task includes the DB2 load data sets, SDSNLOD2 and SDSNLOAD.
    2. Ensure that the ++HBRHLQ++.SHBRCICS data set is added to the DFHRPL concatenation.
    3. Pass runtime variables to the server by adding the following SHBRPARM data set members to the HBRENVPR DD statement. The HBRCICSD data set member includes necessary DB2 runtime variables.

      The following JCL shows the member names:

    4. If you plan to run the Miniloan sample application to verify your configuration, add the following DD statement. The HBRSCEN data set member contains input values to the Miniloan application.
  8. Start the zRule Execution Server for z/OS and the Rule Execution Server console.
  9. Start CICS and install the HBRGROUP resources by using the following command:
  10. If you are using a database, connect the DB2CONN resource to the database by completing the following steps:
    1. Issue the following CICS command to display the active definition of the DB2CONN resource:
    2. Change the CONNECTST property from Notconnected to Connected.
    3. If you want CICS to connect to the database automatically at startup, set the system initialization table (SIT) parameter, DB2CONN=YES.
  11. Test the configuration by running the HBRC transaction to connect CICS to zRule Execution Server for z/OS.

    If CICS succeeds in connecting to the server, message GBRZC9001I is issued. If CICS fails to connect to the server, message GBRZC9000E is issued with a return code that contains diagnostic information.

    To disconnect from the server, run the HBRD transaction.

    See messages for details.

  12. Use the console to view the CICS JVM server instance where the zRule Execution Server for z/OS is running.
  13. Optional: You can verify your configuration by running the Miniloan sample application as a CICS application. For more information, see Sample: running the Miniloan application as a CICS application.