Rule language mapping

You can use the rule language mapping code to define the BOM-to-XOM mapping.

You define the rule language mapping by selecting an item in the Outline view and entering the mapping in the BOM to XOM Mapping section of the BOM Editor.

This table shows members of the business class. The table assumes that an execution class name ExecutionClass is used for the business class BusinessClass.

Table 1. IRL and ARL mapping possibilities
Member of business class BusinessClass Case Scope A function body in IRL or ARL where...
Constructor BusinessClass(MyBizClassB, MyBizClassC) Call by new - this cannot be used, returning an instance of ExecutionClass.
Attribute MyBizClassA attr Assignment static value can be used and this cannot be used.
instance value and this can both be used.
Access static this cannot be used, returning an instance of MyClassA.
instance this can be used, returning an instance of MyClassA.
Method MyBizClassA myBizMethod(MyBizClassB, MyBizClassC) Invocation static this cannot be used.
instance this can be used.
Tester Use of operator InstanceOf, or cast, or classification in conditions - this can be used, returning a Boolean.

Class tester mapping

You can use a tester to test the instances of the execution class.

For example, you have a business class that is named RichCustomer in your BOM, and it corresponds to an execution class Customer, which has the attribute money greater than 100000:

  1. Set the execution name to Customer.
  2. Enter the following code in the Tester field:
    return > 100000;

Attribute mapping

You can map a BOM attribute to an expression to return an attribute value at run time.

For example, you have a class that is named ShoppingCart in the XOM, and the class contains two methods that return the number of items in the shopping cart and the total value of the items:

// Execution class
public class ShoppingCart  {
  public double getValue() ...
  public int getNumberOfItems() ...
The BOM contains an attribute that represents the average item price, which is computed by using the following expression:
// BOM class
public class ShoppingCart {
  public double averageItemPrice;
In the Getter field of the BOM Editor, enter the expression that computes the value of the attribute:
if (this.getNumberOfItems() == 0 )
  return 0;
retur this.getValue()/this.getNumberOfItems();

Method call mapping

You can map a method call to any expression.

For example, you have a class Customer in the XOM, and the class contains a method that returns the age of the customer:
// Execution class
public class Customer {
  public int getAge() ...
In the BOM, you have a predicate that checks whether the customer is older than a certain age, and the age is passed to the method as a parameter:
public class Customer {
  public boolean isOlderThan(int age);
In the Body field of the BOM Editor, you express the BOM-to-XOM mapping as follows:
return this.getAge() > age;

Constructor call mapping

You can map a constructor call to a specified expression.

For example, you have a class Customer in the XOM, and the class contains an age attribute and a constructor that takes the name of the customer parameter:
// Execution class
public class Customer {
  public Customer(String name);
  public int age;
The BOM has a different constructor that takes the name and the age of the customer:
public class Customer {
  public Customer(String name, int age);
In the Body field of the BOM Editor, you express the BOM-to-XOM mapping as follows:
Customer result = new Customer(name);
result.age = age;
return result;

Synthetic object mapping

Instead of regular Java objects, you can use synthetic objects as application data. You can then use BOM-to-XOM mapping to implement a complete business object model by using only the synthetic objects.

In the following example, you use the java.util.Map interface to implement synthetic objects, where attributes are stored as pairs of key values. Therefore, only the regular java.util.Map interface exists in the XOM.

In the BOM, you have a business class Customer defined as follows:

Class Customer {
  Customer(String name);
  readonly String name;
  int money;

The execution class for Customer is java.util.Map. To facilitate the writing of the member mappings, add the following import:

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

For the name attribute, the getter part of the BOM-to-XOM mapping is expressed as follows:

return (String)this.get("name");

For the money attribute, by using an entry money that contains an Integer in the Map, the getter part of the BOM-to-XOM mapping is expressed as follows:

return ((Integer)this.get("money"));

The setter part is expressed as follows:


Because you can use the same execution class, which is java.util.Map in this example, for more than one business class, you must distinguish which instances belong to which business class. This information must be stored in the Map when objects are constructed, and is used by the tester. You express the BOM-to-XOM mapping body for the constructor as follows:

Map result = new HashMap(3);
result.put("name", name);
// as assumed, it always contains an Integer
result.put("className", "Customer");
return result;

The tester part of the BOM-to-XOM mapping for the class Customer uses the className entry to differentiate instances of java.util.Map:

return "Customer".equals(this.get("className"));