Map type

The Map interface and its concrete implementation class in Java™ is supported when Java types map to COBOL structures. The key-value pairs in Map map to a COBOL group table. The keys map to Map-key and the values map to Map-value in the group table. The size of the Map data maps to a numeric item as a table size in COBOL.

Note: At run time, the Java Map interface is instantiated as a LinkedHashMap class for data conversion.
Suppose that your rule project has the following data structure in Java:
public Loan{
  private Map<String, String> aMap;
It is mapped to the following data structure in COBOL:
01 Loan.
   05  aMap-num. 
   05. aMap occurs 10 times.
       10 Map-key  pic X(20).
       10 Map-value pic X(20)

In this example, aMap-num is used to represent the size of the aMap table.

If no type parameter is specified for the keys or the values for Map in the Java XOM, you must specify mapped types in the COBOL management.