Starting the sample server

To run some samples and tutorials, you must start the sample server. The first time that you start the sample server, a profile for the sample server is created on WebSphere® Application Server.

Before you begin

On Windows 7, if you have installed the product in the Program Files or Program Files (x86) directories, you must be an administrator to start the sample server. You can run the sample server as an administrator, or obtain the write permissions on the Operational Decision Manager installation directory.

About this task

You can start the sample server through the start menu shortcut, the command prompt, or the samples console.

The profile creation takes a while to complete. After starting the server, wait until the build has completed successfully.


To start the sample server:
  • From the start menu, click All Programs > IBM > package_group > Sample Server > Start server.

    package_group is the package group specified in IBM® Installation Manager during installation. The default package group is Operational Decision Manager V8.8.0

  • In a command line, change to the directory <InstallDir>/shared/bin and type startserver.
  • In the samples console, click the run icon Start the Sample Server icon in the Sample Server view. This action sends a startserver message to the sample server.
It can take a while for the server startup procedure to complete.


The command window displays server trace messages as the server starts. A message indicates when the server has finished loading and how long it took to start:
[samples.echo] GBRPS0029I: start.server is completed.

Total time: 20 minutes 3 seconds
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