Deployment configurations

You use deployment configuration in a decision service branch (release, change activity, or regular branch) to deploy sets of rules.

Each deployment configuration contains all the information required to deploy rulesets, including the target server. Only administrators can create and edit deployment configurations. When working within the decision governance framework, creating and editing a deployment configuration must be done within an open change activity.

The Deployments tab is organized in five sections:


Contains the name and description of the deployment configuration, and indicates the project in which it is stored. Also contains the name and the base version number of the deployed RuleApp. Also contains properties for the RuleApp.

You set the configuration type to Nonproduction or Production. Typically, a nonproduction configuration is used in developing and testing a decision service. A production configuration is used to deploy a finished release to a production environment.


Lists the decision operations that are available in the decision service, and those selected for deployment. Decision operations are defined and edited in Rule Designer.

With an initial deployment, you typically deploy the available decision operations. In updates, you might limit deployment to specific decision operations.


When selecting decision operations, be careful to avoid conflicts during deployment. Make sure that every ruleset name in the deployment configuration is unique.


Lists the Rule Execution Server instances that are available in Decision Center, and those selectable when deploying. The deployment process packages the rulesets in the decision service into a RuleApp archive that is sent to each selected server.

If no servers are available, you can still use the deployment configuration to create a RuleApp archive that can be saved locally.

Ruleset Properties

Contains the base version number to be used in the ruleset path. You also set the version policy for calculating the version numbers that are used on successive deployments.

You use the Advanced properties section to configure individual rulesets. You select a ruleset and choose options for enabling, debugging, and tracing the ruleset. You can also select and define properties that control in detail how the ruleset executes in Rule Execution Server.


You select which user groups can see this deployment configuration. Administrators can see all deployment configurations.

Declaring groups and setting security is done in the Enterprise console.

Deployment Snapshot

You set whether deployment snapshots are taken when deploying.

When you deploy from a decision service, you create a report that includes the deployment snapshot. You can use the snapshot to repeat the deployment. You cannot change the deployment configuration when you redeploy from a deployment snapshot.