Mail Settings restrictions

Mail Settings are supported in on-premises policies for service users, but with a few restrictions.

Table 1. Mail Settings restrictions
Settings Restriction
Delete documents in the user's Trash folder after how many hours setting on the Mail > Basics tab

The policy setting controls automatic deletion in local mail file replicas on IBM® Notes® clients.

To control when documents are automatically deleted from the Trash in mail files on cloud servers, do not use a policy. Instead, use the following service setting: SmartCloud Notes Administration > Account Settings > Email Management > Configure Mail Retention in the Trash Folder > Retain deleted messages for how many days? The value must be 14 - 90 days. If you do not specify a value, documents are automatically deleted from the Trash folder on mail files on cloud servers after 14 days. For more information, see the topic Configuring how long mail remains in the Trash folder.

In the Delete documents in the user's Trash folder after how many hours policy field, specify a value that is equivalent to the service setting. For example, if you specify 21 days as the service deletion interval, specify 504 hours in the policy. When you keep the policy setting and service setting the same, documents in Trash are automatically deleted from local mail file replicas and mail file replicas on cloud servers at the same interval. If you do not specify a service setting explicitly and accept the default service deletion interval of 14 days, set the policy setting value to the equivalent value, 336 hours.

List of trusted websites for images in MIME messages setting on the Mail > Basics tab This setting is not supported in the cloud. The service ignores any values specified in this field.
IBM iNotes® Some of these settings, which apply to web client users, relate to features that are not supported in the service.