Run the IVP transaction to verify the installation

Use the CICS® IA installation verification program (IVP) to verify that CICS IA is installed correctly in your CICS region. You are recommended to fix any errors reported by the IVP before you run any other CICS IA program.

About the IVP

The installation verification program checks CICS RDO definitions to ensure that all the software elements, programs, maps, transactions, files, transient data queues, and DB2® entries are correctly defined to CICS and are available. During the verification process, the IVP writes messages to the CICS system log. These messages indicate the success or failure of the installation. The messages show verified elements and also any elements of CICS IA that are missing or unavailable. The lack or unavailability of an element can be caused, for example, by an error in loading the software, or by a faulty RDO definition.

The messages that can be issued by the IVP are in the range CIU1001 through CIU1013. They are listed in Messages that CICS IA can issue. Error messages give the probable cause of the error and the action to take to correct it.

Running the IVP

To run the IVP, follow these steps:
  1. Log on to the CICS region where installed CICS IA is installed.
  2. Clear the CICS screen.
  3. Type the transaction name CIUT.
  4. Press Enter to start the program. The program might take several minutes to validate the software.
  5. When the verification program is complete, check the messages that are displayed on your terminal:
    CICS IA was installed successfully
    If the IVP finds that CICS IA was installed successfully, the following message appears:
    Quit the IVP and see, Running the Collector.
    CICS IA was not installed successfully
    If the IVP finds that one or more elements of CICS IA were not installed correctly, or are missing, the following message appears:
    • Check all the messages issued by the IVP during the verification process. Messages indicating either successful or unsuccessful verification of each CICS IA software element are written to the CICS system log. The default CICS system log is CSMT.

      Messages that are issued by the IVP are in the range CIU1001 through CIU1013 and are listed in Messages that CICS IA can issue.

    • Locate any missing resources that are identified by the IVP. Ensure that all the resources required by CICS IA are correctly defined to CICS and are available. If you cannot locate or restore a missing resource, contact the IBM® Software Support Center (ISC).
    • Run the IVP again until it confirms that CICS IA is installed correctly.