Creating the upgraded collection environment

How to define the resources that are required to enable CICS® IA collection in your CICS regions, review and submit the sample jobs that you configured previously.

When you run the configuration utility to define your CICS environment variables, the following output data sets are created.
Note: If you configured the CICS IA collector to be used with a UDB database, then SCIUSQL and SCIUDAT1 are not created
The data set hlq.SCIUSAMP.CICS contains the sample jobs that are required to define and maintain your CICS IA collector environment.

Step 1 - Defining the VSAM files

To create the CICS IA VSAM files that are used by CICS IA, perform the following steps:
To upgrade the CICS IA Control file:
  • To upgrade from CICS IA V3.2, review and submit the sample job in hlq.SCIUSAMP.CICS(CIUUP32C).
  • To upgrade from CICS IA V5.1, review and submit the sample job in hlq.SCIUSAMP.CICS(CIUUP51C).
  • To upgrade from CICS IA V5.3, review and submit the sample job in hlq.SCIUSAMP.CICS(CIUUP52C).

These jobs complete with a return code of 0.

To define the CICS IA collector files:
  • Review and submit sample job CIUJCLCA in hlq.SCIUSAMP.CICS.
  • This job completes with a return code of 0.
Note: You can not upgrade your collector files from previous releases. Jobs are provided to upgrade your DB2® environment to CICS IA V5.2 to ensure that all your collected data is loaded into DB2 tables.

Step 2 - Defining the Command Flow resources

The CICS IA command flow feature uses CICS logstreams and GDGs to facilitate the offloading of captured data into the DB2 tables. If you have decided to use new qualifiers for this version of CICS IA, you need to perform the following steps.

To create these resources, perform the following steps:
To define the logstream that is used by CICS IA:
  • Review and submit sample job CIUJCDLS in hlq.SCIUSAMP.CICS.
  • This job completes with a return code of 0.
To define the user GDG data sets that are used by CICS IA:
  • Review and submit sample job CIUJCLCG in hlq.SCIUSAMP.CICS.
  • This job completes with a return code of 0.
Note: You must define GDG data sets for every CICS user ID that needs to use the Command Flow feature

Step 3 - Updating the IA resources to CICS

The CICS resources that are required by CICS IA change from release to release. It is recommended that you delete the CICS resources and the CSD groups before you define the new ones.

To remove old CICS resource definitions:
  • Review and submit the sample job CIUDELGR found in hlq.SCIUSAMP.CICS.
  • This job completes with a return code of 0.
Note: If you selected new group names for this upgrade, you must update the group names in this sample.
To define the main CICS resources that are required by CICS IA:
  • Review and submit the sample job CIUJCINT in hlq.SCIUSAMP.CICS.
  • This job completes with a return code of 4, which is acceptable.
This job is configured to include all the resources that are required to be defined based on your selections when you run the configuration exec. For example, if you selected to use LIBRARY names then these definitions are included. This job also defines the resources that are required for NLS support. The CSD and group names that are selected in the configuration exec are used.
To define the VSAM file resources that are required by CICS IA:
If you are using a single CICS region, or you are using VSAM RLS to share the files, review, and submit the sample job CIUJCFIL in hlq.SCIUSAMP.CICS.
If you are using an FOR to share the files, then review and submit the following jobs:
  • hlq.SCIUSAMP.CICS(CIUJCFIL) to define the CICS file resources locally or in a file-owning region.
  • hlq.SCIUSAMP.CICS(CIUJCFIR) to define the CICS file resources as remote to a file-owning region.
  • These jobs complete with a return code of 0.
Start of change
To define the web service resources that are required by CICS IA:

Review and submit the job CIUJCWEB in hlq.SCIUSAMP.CICS. This job completes with a return code of 0.

If you previously used Atomservice to work with the CICS IA plug-in, remove the Atomservice CSD group from the CICS IA controlling region before you install the web service CSD group. You can use the hlq.SCIUSAMP.CICS(CIUDELGR) job to remove the Atomservice CSD group. If the web service is going to use the same TCP/IP port, which was previously used by Atomservice, then Atom resources must be deleted.
End of change

Step 4 - Updating the DB2 resources

If you previously collected DB2 resource information in your target CICS region follow these steps.

To bind and package the DB2 plans that are required for DB2 collection:
  • Review and submit the sample job CIUDBNT in hlq.SCIUSAMP.CICS.
  • This job completes with a return code of 0.
  • If you selected to configure CICS IA to collect DB2 resources, then the DB2 resources for DB2TRAN and DB2ENTRY are defined in STEP 3.
  • On any region where you want to collect DB2 data, ensure that the user ID, under which CICS IA runs, has GRANT permission to the batch plan that is created in the sample job SCIUSAMP.CICS(CIUDBNT). The GRANT permission enables the background transaction CINB to access the SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1, SYSIBM.SYSPACKSTMT, and SYSIBM.SYSSTMT DB2 tables.

Step 5 - Tailoring your CICS startup job.

To enable CICS IA to run in your CICS region, tailor your CICS startup JCL as follows:

If you did not select to use the LIBRARY definitions or the CICS region is CICS TS V3.2 or earlier, then you must update the following load libraries in the DFHRPL concatenation in the startup job JCL to point at the latest CICS IA libraries:
  • hlq.SCIULOAD
  • hlq.SCIULODE, the default, English, national language: this library is always required.
  • Add hlq.SCIULODK, if you require Japanese national language support.