
Class MoveContent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MoveContent
    extends PendingAction
    Represents a pending action for moving the content data of an object to a new storage location. When an object calls the moveContent method, the API automatically creates an instance of the MoveContent class and adds it to the underlying object's collection of PendingAction objects.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • MoveContent

        public MoveContent(java.lang.String targetPolicyId,
                   java.lang.Boolean moveAllVersions)
        Creates a new instance of a MoveContent pending action object.
        targetPolicyId - A String specifying the ID of the target storage area for the object content.
        moveAllVersions - A Boolean specifying whether to move the content data of every version of a document (true) or the content data of the current document version only (false).
        E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND - if targetPolicyId is null. Thrown when you call the save method.
        CONTENT_SA_DELETES_NOT_ALLOWED - if the old content could not be deleted.
        CONTENT_CA_DELETE_FAILED_RETENTION_CHECK - if the rentention check failed.
        CONTENT_FXCA_OPERATION_FAILED_CONTENT_IS_MIGRATING - if a content migration has already been initalized.
        CONTENT_CA_FAILED_TEMP_CREATION - if a temporary file could not be created (the disk may be full).
    • Method Detail

      • getTargetPolicyId

        public java.lang.String getTargetPolicyId()
        Returns the ID of the target storage area for the object content data.
        A String specifying the ID of the storage area.
      • getMoveAllVersions

        public java.lang.Boolean getMoveAllVersions()
        Returns whether to move the content data of every version of a document.
        true if the content data of every version of a document will be moved; false if the content data of the current document version only will be moved.

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