IBM FileNet P8, Version 5.2.1            

Global Configuration Database Table Schemas


The schema for the following Global Configuration Database (GCD) tables is described. Schema information for the GCD database cannot be retrieved from the Content Engine APIs.

The schemas are based on the 5.2.1 version of the Content Engine server, with no add-ons installed. Some column names correspond with system properties created at domain initialization time. Column sizes are shown for the DB2® database system. Column size is expressed in bytes, except for the STRING type, which is expressed as the character size. On DB2, the STRING byte size is 2X the character size. For information about column sizes for other database systems, see Column Size Vendor Differences.


Used to store the last 100 versions of the GCD.

Column Name Data Type DB2 ColumnSize

vendor differences

Allows Null Description
epoch_id INTEGER 4 false Stores the epoch of the GCD version that is stored in this row.
gcd_blob BLOB 1G false Stores the XML data that is the GCD.
modify_date DATE 10 false Stores the date of the last modification of the GCD (the insertion date of this row).
last_epoch_id INTEGER 4 true Used by the server in row zero to determine the last epoch to use (for race condition management).


Used to store the data that is associated with add-ons in the FileNet P8 domain.

Column Name Data Type DB2 ColumnSize

vendor differences

Allows Null Description
object_id OBJECT 16 false Used by property: Id of the add-on.
creator STRING 80 true Used by property: Creator
create_date DATE 10 true Used by property: DateCreated
modify_user STRING 80 true Used by property: LastModifier
modify_date DATE 10 true Used by property: DateLastModified
xml_manifest CLOB 512 M true Stores the XML manifest file (the import script) of the add-on.
pre_import_script CLOB 512 M true Stores the pre-import script of the add-on.
post_import_script CLOB 512 M true Stores the post-import script of the add-on.


Used with the FNGCD_OSCBROWNERS table by the background task com.filenet.engine.cbr.CBRDispatcher.FailOver. The background task assigns object stores to content-based retrieval (CBR) dispatchers, ensuring that only one Content Engine server updates IBM® Legacy Content Search Engine collections for an object store. This table stores the list of Content Engine servers in the FileNet P8 domain. It is modified even if IBM Legacy Content Search Engine is not configured in the FileNet P8 domain.

Column Name Data Type DB2 ColumnSize

vendor differences

Allows Null Description
server_instance_id GUID 16 false Used by property: Id of the Content Engine server.
site_id GUID 16 true Used by property: Id of the FileNet P8 site of the Content Engine server.
last_alive_time DATE 10 true Stores the time that the FailOver task last ran on the Content Engine server.
dbg_time STRING 250 true Stores a unique name that is generated by concatenating the FileNet P8 site name, the operating system's host name, and the FileNet P8 server instance name (truncated to 249 characters).


Used with the FNGCD_CESERVERS table by the background task com.filenet.engine.cbr.CBRDispatcher.FailOver. The background task assigns object stores to CBR dispatchers, ensuring that only one Content Engine server updates IBM Legacy Content Search Engine collections for an object store. This table stores the assignment of object stores to IBM Legacy Content Search Engine dispatcher tasks. It is modified even if IBM Legacy Content Search Engine is not configured in the FileNet P8 domain.

Column Name Data Type DB2 ColumnSize

vendor differences

Allows Null Description
object_store_id GUID 16 false Used by property: Id of the object store that is assigned to a Content Engine server.
site_id GUID 16 true Used by property: Id of the FileNet P8 site for the object store.
server_instance_id GUID 16 true Used by property: Id of the Content Engine server to which the object store is assigned
dbg_time STRING 250 true Stores a unique name that is generated by concatenating the FileNet P8 site name, the operating system's host name, and the FileNet P8 server instance name (truncated to 249 characters).

Column Size Vendor Differences

Column size is expressed in bytes, except for the STRING type, which is expressed as the character size. For more information about column sizes, and for information about how database large objects (LOBs) are stored, see Database Engine Differences.

Data Type DB2 Server Size SQL Server Size Oracle Size
BINARY varies varies varies
BLOB 1 G BLOB columns are stored as the IMAGE data type. For column sizes, see SQL Server documentation. BLOB columns are stored with the BLOB data type.

For column sizes, see Oracle documentation.

BOOLEAN 2 1 varies
CLOB 512 M CLOB columns are stored as the NTEXT data type. For column sizes, see SQL Server documentation. CLOB columns are stored with the CLOB data type.

For column sizes, see Oracle documentation.

DATE 10 8 6
DOUBLE 8 8 8
GUID 16 16 16
INTEGER 4 4 varies
INTEGER64 8 8 varies
OBJECT 16 16 16
STRING Byte size is 2X the character count. Byte size is 2X the character count. Byte size is 3X the character count.

The Oracle STRING type is limited to 1333 characters (3999 bytes).

Last updated: October 2015

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