Installing Rational Performance Tester and Rational Performance Tester Agent

Installing the product involves verifying requirements, planning, managing licenses, and configuring web-based help. IBM® Rational® Performance Tester and IBM Rational Performance Tester Agent.
Note: Before installing, consult the IBM Rational Performance Tester Release Notes for any late-breaking installation issues.

This installation guide covers two independent products: Rational Performance Tester and the Rational Performance Tester Agent. The Rational Performance Tester Agent is a tool that you use with Rational Performance Tester. It is included as part of the Rational Performance Tester product kit.

Rational Performance Tester Agent consists of two capabilities:
  • Generate load for the application under test by using the virtual users. You can increase the load generation capacity by installing additional agents on remote computers.
  • Gather data for the Response Time Breakdown feature and in support of the startup and control of web services stubs in the SOA protocol.
Note: The Rational Performance Tester workbench and Agent products are separate offerings and must be installed separately.
