Accessing the installer

Download and extract the installation images for IBM® Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack from either the Passport Advantage® website or from the product DVD.

Before you begin

Before you begin, complete the following tasks:

About this task

You can access the installer for IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack from a DVD on your local system, or you can set up a shared drive and access the shared resource from multiple computers. You can also install or upgrade from installation images that you can obtain from Passport Advantage website. Depending on your license, choose one of the following versions:
  • IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack for Factory V1.0
  • IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack for Enterprise V1.0
The supported operating systems and installers for IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack for Factory V1.0 are shown in the following table.
Table 1. The IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack for Factory V1.0 installers
Operating system Installer name
Linux x86-64 Linux_x86_64_install.bin
Windows x86-64 install.exe
The supported operating systems and installers for IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack for Enterprise V1.0 are shown in the following table.
Table 2. The IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack for Enterprise V1.0 installers
Operating system Installer name
Linux Power® PC Linux_ppc_install.bin
Linux x86-64 Linux_x86_64_install.bin
Windows x86-64 install.exe
AIX® AIX_install.bin
HP-UX HP_install.bin
Solaris x86-64 Solaris_amd64_install.bin
Solaris SPARC Solaris_Sparc_install.bin


To use the installer from the Passport Advantage website, complete the following steps:

  1. Log on to the Passport Advantage website: Passport Advantage and Passport Advantage Express.
  2. Download the images that you require from the Passport Advantage website.
  3. Extract the contents of the images. Specify a path for the directory to which you are extracting the images.
    Note: If restrictions on some operating systems are reached, the depth of directory structure and the directory names might cause a problem. For example, the limit of 256 characters on Windows might be exceeded.


The installation images are downloaded.

What to do next

You can now install IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack; see Installing IBM Integration Bus Manufacturing Pack.
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		Last updated
	Last updated : 2016-07-30 06:30:49

Task topicTask topic | Version | ma00091