IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

See information about the latest product version


Under exceptional circumstances, Windows MiniDumps, UNIX core dumps, or z/OS® SVC or core dumps might be produced.

For example, if errors occur in the broker executable files, or in the infrastructure main program. The amount and complexity of data produced in these cases typically requires the assistance of your IBM® Support Center, see Contacting your IBM Support Center.

Dumps on Windows

Windows MiniDumps might be produced by broker processes in extreme cases. Windows MiniDumps are never produced during typical operation.

Windows MiniDumps are accompanied by a BIP2111 error message (a message broker internal error) that contains the path to the MiniDump file in your workpath/errors directory. MiniDump files have the extension .dmp. You can analyze these MiniDumps by using a suitable debugger; contact IBM for assistance.

Dumps on UNIX systems

UNIX core dumps are produced by broker processes in extreme cases. UNIX core dumps are never produced during typical operation.

A BIP2060 error message (the integration server stopped unexpectedly) might be produced. Look in the directory where the broker was started to find the core dump file. If this directory is not writable by the service ID, the core dumps are produced in the service user ID's home directory.

You can analyze these core dumps by using a suitable debugger; contact IBM for assistance.

Dumps on IBM Integration Bus for z/OS

A broker produces an SVC dump that is written to a data set that is named by using the system defined naming convention.

The format of this data set name can be displayed by using the dump options command /D dump.

Typically, the name definition has the following format:
and, for example, this format displays a resolved name of:

An SVC dump that is caused by z/OS or IBM Integration Bus for z/OS is written to the system's dump directory, and can be formatted with IPCS. The name of the dump is listed on the z/OS syslog.

The following example shows the format of the output that you receive:
          DUMPID=006 REQUESTED BY JOB (MQ83BRK )                       
          DUMP TITLE=MQ83BRK ,ABN=S0C4-00000004,C=M7500.600.BRKR      
  IEA611I COMPLETE DUMP ON DUMP.MVS1.MQ83BRK.D080924.T171851.S00006
          DUMPID=006 REQUESTED BY JOB (MQ83BRK )                           
          FOR ASID (00B8)                                                  
          INCIDENT TOKEN: PLEXS    MVS1     09/24/2008 16:19:11            
          ID = MQ83BRK ,ABN=S0C4-00000004               

Under some circumstances, SVC dumps are not produced. Typically, dumps are suppressed because of time or space problems, or security violations.

In addition, you can suppress SVC dumps that duplicate previous dumps by using z/OS dump analysis and elimination (DAE), for example, use the command SET DAE=xx. (DAE is a z/OS service that enables an installation to suppress SVC dumps and ABEND SYSDUMP dumps that are not required because they duplicate previously written dumps.)

The following example shows a message on the z/OS syslog, indicating whether duplicates of SYSMDUMPs are suppressed:
  TIME=11.02.24  SEQ=02327  CPU=0000  ASID=0060
  PSW AT TIME OF ERROR  078D2000   8D70A656  ILC 4  INTC 04
    ACTIVE LOAD MODULE           ADDRESS=0D708F68  OFFSET=000016EE
         61939683 81936199 85A2F1F0 61A48689 */local/res10/ufi*
         A7F5F161 82899561 82899789 94818995 *x51/bin/bipimain*
    DATA AT PSW  0D70A650 - 91345000  00001F22  41209140
    GPR  0-3  00000000  0D711B18  0D711B18  00000000
    GPR  4-7  0D711300  0D70BD04  00000000  0D711B18
    GPR  8-11 0D7121CF  0D7111D0  0D70C316  0D70B317
    GPR 12-15 8D70A318  0D7111D0  00000312  00000000
         ORIGINAL:DATE 01170 TIME 10:59:40:05 CPU 8A7645349672
         REXN/IMBSIREC FI/9134500000001F2241209140 REGS/0C33E
         HRC1/00000004 SUB1/INFRASTRUCTURE#MAIN           

The MVS™ Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids manual provides details about using z/OS dump analysis and elimination.

In extreme cases, you might instead receive a core dump, which is written to the started task user's directory. The maximum size of a core dump is defined through MAXCORESIZE in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member. The IBM supplied default is 4 MB. To ensure the completeness of a core dump of any IBM Integration Bus for z/OS address space, change the value to 2 GB. The started task user's directory must then have at least this size.

To make use of these core dumps, copy them to a partitioned data set by using the TSO/E OGET command. Allocate the data set as a sequential data set with a logical record length (LRECL) of 4160 and a record format of FBS. Specify a primary allocation of at least 500 cylinders and a secondary allocation of at least 250 cylinders. The data set must be transferred in binary format. For example:
oget '/u/user_directory/' '' bin
To ensure that all of the diagnostic information is collected in these extreme cases, specify the following dump options in SYS1.PARMLIB:

IBM Integration Bus for z/OS abends

Abend code
The IBM Integration Bus for z/OS infrastructure encountered a severe internal error. The reason code helps the IBM Support Center to identify the source of the error. It has the format X'ppmmnnnn', where pp defines the part within the infrastructure where the error occurred, mm defines the specific location of the error, and nnnn defines a recursion index.
You can resolve the following reason codes but you must refer other codes to the IBM Support Center.

ABN=S2C1-0001xxxx Error opening a file system file
The file system component might be full or the broker user ID might not
have the correct permissions to access files or directories in the file system

ABN=S2C1-0113xxxx Region size too small
IBM Integration Bus for z/OS
System Action
The system might issue a dump.
Programmer Response
System Programmer Response
Search the problem-reporting databases for a fix for the problem. If no fix exists, contact the IBM Support Center, providing the reason code and, if present, the dump.

au14180_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017