IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

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XML, MRM, and XMLNSC parser constants

The names of the XML and MRM parser constants, together with their corresponding values, and a link to the XMLNSC constants.

When you are writing user-defined extensions you might need to know the value of various constants.

XML parser constants

Name Value
Element 0x01000000
tag 0x01000000
ParserRoot 0x01000010
Content 0x02000000
pcdata 0x02000000
attr 0x03000000
Attribute 0x03000000
UnparsedEntityDecl 0x05000004
NotationDecl 0x05000008
EntityDecl 0x05000011
ParameterEntityDecl 0x05000012
ExternalEntityDecl 0x05000014
XmlDecl 0x05000018
DocTypeDecl 0x05000020
IntSubset 0x05000021
ExtSubset 0x05000022
AttributeList 0x05000024
AttributeDef 0x05000028
ExternalParameterEntityDecl 0x05000040
WhiteSpace 0x06000002
PublicId 0x06000004
SystemId 0x06000008
NotationReference 0x06000010
Version 0x06000011
Encoding 0x06000012
Standalone 0x06000014
Comment 0x06000018
EntityReferenceStart 0x06000020
EntityReferenceEnd 0x06000021
DocTypeComment 0x06000022
AsisElementContent 0x06000028
CDataSection 0x06000040
EntityDeclValue 0x06000041
AttributeDefValue 0x06000042
AttributeDefDefaultType 0x06000044
DocTypeWhiteSpace 0x06000080
ProcessingInstruction 0x07000002
ElementDef 0x07000004
DocTypePI 0x07000008
AttributeDefType 0x07000010
RequestedDomain 0x07000011

MRM parser constants

Name Value
PreDefStructureFav 0x01000000
PreDefStructure 0x01000001
SelfDefStructure 0x01000002
StructureInstance 0x01000004
MrmRoot 0x01000008
mtiSelfDefMessage 0x01000010
mtiPreDefMessage 0x01000012
mtiSelfDefIdentifier 0x02000001
mtiSdfFieldType 0x02000002
mtiSdfCharsCodepage 0x02000008
mtiSdfCharsEcho 0x02000010
mtiSdfCharsScale 0x02000011
mtiSdfCharsDateFmt 0x02000012
mtiSdfCharsTimeFmt 0x02000014
mtiSdfCharsTimeStampFmt 0x02000018
mtiSdfCharsBinaryFmt 0x02000020
mtiSdfCharsBinaryFmtContextLen 0x02000021
mtiSdfCharsBinaryFmtContext 0x02000022
mtiMixedContent 0x02000024
PreDefFieldFav 0x03000000
PreDefField 0x03000001
mtiSelfDefField 0x03000002
PreDefFieldInstance 0x03000004
SelfDefFieldInstance 0x03000008
Namespace 0x03000010
mtiPreDefStructureV 0x03000012
mtiSelfDefStructureV 0x03000014
mtiStructureInstanceV 0x03000016
mtiSelfDefMessageV 0x03000018
mtiPreDefMessageV 0x03000020
mtiUnresolvedChoice 0x04000001

XMLNSC parser constants

See XMLNSC: Using field types for a list of the XMLNSC parser constants.

as08560_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017