IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

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Changing the configuration parameters for the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository nodes

Use the mqsichangeproperties command to change the configuration parameters of the DefaultWSRR configurable service.

DefaultWSRR is a configurable service object that is supplied for each broker, it defines the WebSphere® Service Registry and Repository (WSRR) configuration parameters. DefaultWSRR has a configurable service type of ServiceRegistries.

For details about configuration parameters that affect WSRR use, see Configuration parameters for the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository nodes.

To update the configuration parameters of the DefaultWSRR configurable service perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the broker is running. If it is not, use the mqsistart command to start it.
  2. Enter the following command (which applies to all versions of WSRR) to change the endpointAddress value and point to your WebSphere Service Registry and Repository server:
    mqsichangeproperties IB9NODE -c ServiceRegistries -o DefaultWSRR 
    -n endpointAddress 
    -v http://localhost:9080/WSRR6_1/services/WSRRCoreSDOPort

    -c specifies the configurable service type
    (in this case, ServiceRegistries)
    -o specifies the name of the configurable service object
    (in this case, DefaultWSRR)
    -n specifies the names of the properties to be changed
    (in this case, endpointAddress)
    -v specifies the values of properties defined by the -n parameter
    (in this case,

    For information about the specific levels of WSRR that are supported with IBM® Integration Bus, see IBM Integration Bus Requirements.

  3. (Optional) Enter the following command to change the cache timeout value:
    mqsichangeproperties IB9NODE -c ServiceRegistries -o DefaultWSRR 
    -n timeout -v 3600000

    -c specifies the configurable service type
    (in this case, ServiceRegistries)
    -o specifies the name of the configurable service object
    (in this case, DefaultWSRR)
    -n specifies the names of the properties to be changed
    (in this case, timeout)
    -v specifies the values of properties defined by the -n parameter
    (in this case, 3600000 milliseconds to provide WSRR cache expiry timeout
    of 1 hour)

  4. (Optional) Enter the following command to change the connectionTimeout value:
    mqsichangeproperties IB9NODE -c ServiceRegistries -o DefaultWSRR 
    -n connectionTimeout -v 240

    -c specifies the configurable service type
    (in this case, ServiceRegistries)
    -o specifies the name of the configurable service object
    (in this case, DefaultWSRR)
    -n specifies the names of the properties to be changed
    (in this case, connectionTimeout)
    -v specifies the values of properties defined by the -n parameter
    (in this case, 240 seconds to provide connection timeout for WSRR queries
    of 4 minutes)

  5. (Optional) Enter the following command to preload the cache at broker startup with the results of specific queries:
    mqsichangeproperties IB9NODE -c ServiceRegistries -o DefaultWSRR 
    -n predefinedCacheQueries
    -v "//*[@name='ConceptA1']"

    -c specifies the configurable service type
    (in this case, ServiceRegistries)
    -o specifies the name of the configurable service object
    (in this case, DefaultWSRR)
    -n specifies the names of the properties to be changed
    (in this case, predefinedCacheQueries)
    -v specifies the values of properties defined by the -n parameter
    (in this case a simple full depth WSRR XPath query on the entity ConceptA1,

    Note that single quotation marks in the WSRR query must be replaced by ')

    Multiple queries can be specified by delimiting them with ';'

    For example, to perform a full depth query on the entities named ConceptA1 and ConceptB2 use:
    -v "//*[@name='ConceptA1'];//*[@name='ConceptB2']"

    When a specific value for the Depth Policy property is used on a RegistryLookup node
    the same depth must be specified in the predefinedCacheQueries property
    by using an optional extension to the query expression of the form depth=n.
    For the Depth Policy value of MatchOnly use depth=0.
    For the Depth Policy value of MatchPlusImmediate use depth=1.
    For the Depth Policy values of MatchPlusAll or MatchShowReluse depth=-1,
    which is the default value.

    For example, the following query retrieves an XSD MsgDef.xsd with no related entities,
    the entity ConceptA1 and its immediately related entities,
    and the entity  ServiceA2 and all entities related to it:
    -v "//*[@name='MsgDef.xsd']{depth=0};

    Individual queries can use the full power of the WSRR query language:
    -v "/WSRR/WSDLService/ports[binding/portType
    and @namespace='']]"

    Use the Broker User Trace to obtain the WSRR XPath query string that is issued when a
    RegistryLookup or EndpointLookup node is invoked.


    Alternatively, use parameter -p instead of -v to specify a file from which the mqsichangeproperties command reads the property values:

    mqsichangeproperties IB9NODE -c ServiceRegistries -o DefaultWSRR 
    -n endpointAddress 
    -p config.xml
    The following conditions apply when you use the -p parameter:
    • The parameter is used to specify the location and name of a file from which the command reads the property values.
    • The parameter can be used to set only a single property. Therefore, the -n parameter must specify only a single property name, not a comma-separated list of property names.
    • White space characters (including line feed, carriage return, and end of file characters) are preserved when read from a file that is specified by using the -p parameter

    See Configurable services properties for further detail.

  6. Restart the broker, by using the mqsistop command to stop the broker, followed by the mqsistart command to start it.

ac56130_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017