IBM Integration Bus, Version Operating Systems: AIX, HP-Itanium, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS

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Setting up cache notification

Use the mqsichangeproperties command to enable cache notification, so that the cache is notified of events occurring in WebSphere® Service Registry and Repository (WSRR).

WSRR publishes notification events by using WebSphere Application Server. Cache notification allows the cache to subscribe to these events.

To enable cache notification complete the following steps to change the relevant properties on the configurable service DefaultWSRR, and to add a user ID and password if you are connecting to a secure WebSphere Application Server:

  1. Ensure that the broker is running. If it is not, use the mqsistart command to start it.
  2. Issue the mqsichangeproperties command to change the enableCacheNotification property to true. For example:
    mqsichangeproperties IB9NODE -c ServiceRegistries -o DefaultWSRR 
    -n enableCacheNotification -v true

    -c specifies the configurable service (in this case, ServiceRegistries)  
    -o specifies the name of the object (in this case, DefaultWSRR)  
    -n specifies the names of the properties to be changed
    (in this case, enableCacheNotification)  
    -v specifies the values of properties defined by the -n parameter
    (in this case, true)

  3. Issue the mqsichangeproperties command to change the locationJNDIBinding property to the value that you require for your WSRR server. For example:
    mqsichangeproperties IB9NODE -c ServiceRegistries -o DefaultWSRR 
    -n locationJNDIBinding -v iiop://localhost:2809/

    -c specifies the configurable service (in this case, ServiceRegistries)  
    -o specifies the name of the object (in this case, DefaultWSRR)  
    -n specifies the names of the properties to be changed
    (in this case, locationJNDIBinding)  
    -v specifies the values of properties defined by the -n parameter, such as: \"corbaloc::localhost:9810,localhost:9811\" or iiop://localhost:2809/ in this example.

  4. When you use WebSphere Application Server Version 8.0 or later, the default IIOP secure setting is SSL-Required. Therefore if you connect to your server without changing this option to SSL-Optional, you must configure the sas.client.props and the ssl.client.props files in the following way:
    - Set
    - Set
    -- Use the AnotherSSLAlias template that is already in the file, but comment ou the DefaultAlias Keystore and Truststore information to prevent it affecting the current configuration
    -- Comment out the KeyStore part of the 'another SSL Alias' because the TrustStore is the only one that is required:
    - Set in all scenarios
  5. Issue the mqsichangeproperties command to change the secureJNDIPropertiesFiles property to point to the directory where your .props files are stored. For example:
    mqsichangeproperties IB9NODE -c ServiceRegistries -o DefaultWSRR 
    -n secureJNDIPropertiesFiles -v C:\SSLPropsFiles

    -c specifies the configurable service (in this case, ServiceRegistries)  
    -o specifies the name of the object (in this case, DefaultWSRR)  
    -n specifies the names of the properties to be changed
    (in this case, secureJNDIPropertiesFiles)  
    -v specifies the values of properties defined by the -n parameter (in this case, C:\SSLPropsFiles)

  6. If you are connecting to a secure WebSphere Application Server you must use a user ID and password. To set the user ID and password follow these steps:
    1. Stop the broker by using the mqsistop command.
    2. Issue the mqsisetdbparms command to set up your user ID and password. For example:
      mqsisetdbparms IB9NODE -n jms::DefaultWSRR@jms/SRConnectionFactory 
      -u userid -p password

      -n specifies the name of the data source
      (in this case, jms::DefaultWSRR@jms/SRConnectionFactory)  
      -u specifies the user ID to be associated with this data source
      (in this case, userid)  
      -p specifies the password to be associated with this data source
      (in this case, password)

    3. Restart the broker by using the mqsistart command.

ac56080_.htm | Last updated Friday, 21 July 2017