What is IBM Integration Bus on Cloud?

IBM® Integration Bus on Cloud is an integration solution that you can use to manage integrations in a cloud environment.

IBM Integration Bus on Cloud includes administration tooling and a run time for integration deployment, and allows an IBM Integration Bus administrator to do the following things:
  • Provision an IBM Integration Bus environment and deploy an integration to it.
  • Connect IBM Integration Bus on Cloud integrations securely to on-premises applications.
  • Access support through community-based forums or IBM Support.

In IBM Integration Bus, you create integration solutions by developing resources and packaging them into a BAR file. You then create an integration server on an integration node, and you deploy your BAR file to the integration server. In IBM Integration Bus on Cloud, you create a BAR file in IBM Integration Bus on premises, then deploy the BAR file by uploading it to the cloud. When you upload your BAR file to the cloud, the contents of the BAR file are used to create an integration. Each integration contains the contents of a single BAR file. You can start and stop your integrations in the integrations list view.

Basic authentication enables secure access to HTTP and SOAP public endpoints that are running in your integrations (see Basic authentication). The message flows in your integrations can communicate securely with on-premises applications, such as databases (see Secure connectivity to private endpoints). You can also split message flow processing by using flows that can call other flows (see Callable message flows).

Internal evaluation of the performance of IBM Integration Bus on Cloud has shown that it is possible to obtain an equivalent level of performance (in terms of message throughput and CPU utilization) as when using IBM Integration Bus installed directly on an xLinux server of similar hardware capacity, when running the same use cases. For example, a SOAP provider test case, running with a range of message sizes (2K, 20K, and 200K) on the following systems, shows equivalent message throughput when adjustments are made for hardware differences:
  • IBM Integration Bus on Cloud 4 GB On Demand container
  • Native X86-64 Intel XEON system running IBM Integration Bus Version with RHEL operating system
Note: Results are specific to the test case and the environment in which they were obtained; your results might vary based on the composition of the test cases, the environment, and the methodology used.

When you sign up for a subscription to IBM Integration Bus on Cloud, you are given a space. This space is an environment, which might represent a department in your company or a deployment environment (for example, test or production). You can run multiple integrations in the same space. In the future, you will be able to add extra spaces.

A number of subscription types are available:
With the free subscription, you can try the service for free for 30 days. During this time, you can have 5 integrations uploaded to your space at any time, but you can run one integration only. Inactive integrations are stopped after 3 hours, but you can restart them when you need them. If you have questions while you are using the service for free, you can ask them in an on-line community forum.
On demand
With the on demand subscription, you can create and run as many integrations as you want in your space. No minimum term is specified for this level of subscription, and you are billed monthly in arrears. You are charged for what you use per hour. You can obtain support from an on-line community forum.
12-month subscription
This subscription is currently available to existing IBM Integration Bus customers only and is for a minimum term of 12 months. You are billed in advance for each subscription, and you can buy multiple subscriptions. For each subscription, you can have 10 integrations uploaded to your space at any time, but you can run one integration only. Therefore, to run more integrations, you should buy more subscriptions. You can obtain support from IBM Support, or from an on-line community forum.
For short-term workloads, on-demand subscriptions provide the greatest flexibility because you pay for what you use, based on integrations that are running. For enterprises, the 12-month subscription offers the best price for committed usage.

Prerequisites for using IBM Integration Bus on Cloud

You must have developed your integrations in IBM Integration Bus on premises, and compiled your resources into a BAR file. IBM Integration Bus on Cloud capabilities are compatible with IBM Integration Bus version or later. Callable flows are compatible with IBM Integration Bus version or later. For a list of the resources and message flow nodes that are supported in BAR files that you upload to IBM Integration Bus on Cloud, see Supported resources in BAR files.