Linking from one DFDL schema file to another

Add a link to a different schema.

Before you begin

  1. Create two DFDL schema files.
  2. Open the schema file that you want to add a link to.

About this task

Linking is needed when you have DFDL objects in one schema file, and you want to refer to them in a different schema file. For example, the first file contains a simple type, which an element in the second file wants to use.


  1. In the Outline area, right-click Schema and select Add an import or include.
  2. Within the Add Schema Reference dialog that opens, browse to the schema that you want to include or import.

    The namespaces of the two schema files determine whether to use the import or include option.

      Target file has a target namespace Target file has notarget namespace
    Parent file has a target namespace xsd:import xsd:include1
    Parent file has notarget namespace xsd:import xsd:include

    1 When a target namespace file includes a notarget namespace file, referencing an object in the target file from the parent file causes the object to be present in the namespace of the parent file.