mqsimanagexalinks command - Windows systems

Set up links for a supported database on Windows systems for XA coordination under the control of WebSphere® MQ.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammqsimanagexalinkscreateODBC_driver_typeExitDefaultPath64ExitDefaultPathIntegration_Bus_installation_directory
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammqsimanagexalinksremoveODBC_driver_typeExitDefaultPath64ExitDefaultPath
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammqsimanagexalinkslist


(Required) Specify that the required links are created.
(Required) Specify that the defined links are removed.
(Required) The ODBC driver type. See the list command for the list of ODBC drivers that are supported.

This parameter is required if you specify create, and is optional if you specify remove. If you specify remove and omit this parameter, all links are removed.

(Required) The path to the location in which 64-bit exits for the integration node queue manager are stored by default, as defined in the queue managers properties.
(Required) The path to the location in which 32-bit exits for the integration node queue manager are stored by default, as defined in the queue managers properties.
(Required) The full path to your IBM® Integration Bus installation.

This parameter is required only if you specify create.

(Required) Display the list of supported ODBC driver versions. Use the output to check what values you can specify for ODBC_driver_type.

For example, the following output is generated:

Supported information for the create option.
Supported version of the ODBC drivers Version number for mqsimanagexalinks
DataDirect Connect for ODBC DD
Supported information for the remove option.
Supported version of the ODBC drivers Version number for mqsimanagexalinks
DataDirect Connect for ODBC V6.0 DD60
DataDirect Connect for ODBC V7.0 DD70
DataDirect Connect for ODBC V7.1 DD71
DataDirect Connect for ODBC (as of IBM Integration Bus Version 10.0) DD

Links created

The following links are created for Windows systems:

  • ukora95.dll->install_dir\server\sample\xatm\ukora95.dll
  • ukora95r.dll->install_dir\server\sample\xatm\ukora95r.dll
  • ukicu95.dll->install_dir\server\sample\xatm\ukicu95.dll
  • ukssl95.dll->install_dir\server\sample\xatm\ukssl95.dll
  • IVUK.LIC->install_dir\server\sample\xatm\IVUK.LIC
  • ukora95.dll->install_dir\server\bin\ukora95.dll
  • ukora95r.dll->install_dir\server\bin\ukora95r.dll
  • ukicu95.dll->install_dir\server\bin\ukicu95.dll
  • ukssl95.dll->install_dir\server\bin\ukssl95.dll
  • DDUK.LIC->install_dir\server\bin\DDUK.LIC
  • ukase95.dll->install_dir\server\sample\xatm\ukase95.dll
  • ukase95r.dll->install_dir\server\sample\xatm\ukase95r.dll
  • ukicu95.dll->install_dir\server\sample\xatm\ukicu95.dll
  • ukssl95.dll->install_dir\server\sample\xatm\ukssl95.dll
  • IVUK.LIC->install_dir\server\sample\xatm\IVUK.LIC
  • ukase95.dll->install_dir\server\bin\ukase95.dll
  • ukase95r.dll->install_dir\server\bin\ukase95r.dll
  • ukicu95.dll->install_dir\server\bin\ukicu95.dll
  • ukssl95.dll->install_dir\server\bin\ukssl95.dll
  • DDUK.LIC->install_dir\server\bin\DDUK.LIC


The user ID with which you run this command must have permission to create symbolic links (SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege) or be a member of the Administrator group.


To create the symbolic links that are required for Oracle databases:

mqsimanagexalinks create DD "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\exits64" "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\exits" "C:\Program Files\IBM\IIB\\server"

To remove the symbolic links that are created for Oracle databases (these databases previously used the DataDirect V5.3 drivers):

mqsimanagexalinks remove DD70 "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\exits64" "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\exits"

To list the supported database drivers:

mqsimanagexalinks list