Performing parallel migration for an integration node (broker)

You can use parallel migration to perform a staged migration process by creating a new Version 10.0 integration node to run in parallel with your existing integration node. You can then migrate your application logic from your existing integration node to your new integration node.

Before you begin

Complete the following tasks:
  • Plan your migration; see Preparing for migration.
  • Perform pre-migration tasks; see Performing pre-migration tasks.
  • If your deployment uses functions that integrate with WebSphere® MQ, or requires that the integration node has a specified queue manager, make sure that you have a supported version of WebSphere MQ. For information about IBM Integration Bus functions that require WebSphere MQ, see Installing WebSphere MQ.
    • If you are reusing an existing WebSphere MQ deployment, migrate your queue managers and other resources to a supported version of WebSphere MQ by following the instructions that are provided in the WebSphere MQ product documentation.
      Note: If you are reusing an existing WebSphere MQ deployment, you can configure the new IBM Integration Bus Version 10.0 integration nodes to use the same queue managers as the existing integration nodes. You do not have to create new queue managers for the new integration nodes.
    • If you are installing a new WebSphere MQ deployment, create one or more queue managers to support the required configuration for your IBM Integration Bus Version 10.0 integration nodes.
  • Check that you have no aggregations in progress on this integration node. When you migrate an integration node to Version 10.0, all live data that is being stored for aggregations in progress is lost.
  • If the integration node runs in a locale that is not listed in Locales, check that the code page is one of the supported code pages, and that the locale is set up correctly.

About this task

To migrate application logic from an integration node on a distributed operating system to a different Version 10.0 integration node on the same computer, or on a different computer, complete the following steps:


  1. Install IBM Integration Bus Version 10.0 on the same computer as your existing version, or on a different computer.
    If you are installing on the same computer, you must specify a different location.
  2. Migrate your development resources to the IBM Integration Toolkit Version 10.0; see Migrating development resources to IBM Integration Bus Version 10.0.
  3. Set up the correct Version 10.0 command environment:
    • Linux platformUNIX platformOn Linux® and UNIX systems, open a new shell and run the environment profile mqsiprofile for this Version 10.0 installation.
    • Windows platformOn Windows, click Start, and open the Command Console that is associated with this Version 10.0 installation.
  4. Create a Version 10.0 integration node by using the mqsicreatebroker command or the IBM Integration Toolkit. Give the integration node a name that is different from the name of the existing integration node.
    If any of the resources on the existing integration node require WebSphere MQ, specify an appropriately configured queue manager for the new integration node; see Installing WebSphere MQ.
  5. Start the Version 10.0 integration node by using the mqsistart command.
    You can also start a local integration node by using the IBM Integration Toolkit.
  6. Write a list of the integration servers that you have on the existing integration node, and create these same integration servers on the Version 10.0 integration node.
    Use the web user interface, the IBM Integration Toolkit Version 10.0, or the mqsicreateexecutiongroup command to complete this step.
  7. Deploy the message flows, applications, and libraries that are in use by the existing integration node to the Version 10.0 integration node from the Version 10.0 IBM Integration Toolkit.
  8. Configure all other relevant properties of the existing integration node on the Version 10.0 integration node.
  9. If you want to delete your existing integration node, complete the following steps:
    1. In a command environment for your previous version, stop the original integration node by using the mqsistop command.
    2. Remove the original integration node from the IBM Integration Toolkit or WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit.
    3. In a command environment for your previous version, delete the original integration node by using the mqsideletebroker command.

What to do next

When you have completed migration, see the tasks in Performing post-migration tasks for information about tasks that you might want to complete after migration.