mqsichangeproperties command

Use the mqsichangeproperties command to modify integration node properties and properties of integration node resources.


Use the mqsichangeproperties command to change properties that are associated with an integration node:

  • Properties that affect the whole integration node; for example, an HTTP listener
  • Properties that affect one or more integration servers; for example, the integration node registry
  • Properties that affect a policy; for example, a JMS provider

You can also use the web user interface or the IBM® Integration API to change properties.

Use the mqsireportproperties command to view properties that are associated with an integration node.

Usage notes

  • For most parameters of the mqsichangeproperties command, you must ensure that the integration node is running before you run the command. However, you can issue the -f parameter for an integration node that is running or stopped.
  • If you change one or more values, stop and start the integration node again for the change to take effect. This step does not apply to all configurable services. Check the documentation for the specific configurable service type. The documentation specifies when restarting the integration node is necessary.
  • When a message flow that includes HTTP nodes is started, the integration node starts the HTTP and HTTPS listeners, unless this listener has been disabled.
  • If you want to change the properties of a resource manager for a configurable service, and that resource manager requires WebSphere® MQ, a queue manager must be associated with the integration node before you run the mqsichangeproperties command. For a list of features that require WebSphere MQ, see Enhanced flexibility in interactions with WebSphere MQ.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammqsichangepropertiesintegrationNodeName -b ComponentName -c ConfigurableService -e integrationServerName -o ObjectName  -n PropertyName  -v PropertyValue -p Path.FileName -d -f


(Required) The name of the integration node to modify. This parameter must be the first parameter.
-b ComponentName
(Optional) The name of the component. Valid values are pubsub, httplistener, securitycache, cachemanager, webadmin, crlFile, agent. The properties associated with these components affect the whole integration node.
-c ConfigurableService
(Optional) The type of configurable service. The type is predefined; for example, JMSProviders. You can define additional services of all defined types by using the web user interface or the mqsicreateconfigurableservice command.

The valid resource types are listed in Configurable services properties.

-e integrationServerName
(Optional) The name of the integration server for which you want to change properties.
-o ObjectName
(Required) The name of the integration node resource for which you want to change the properties.

You must also specify -b, -e, or -c with -o, except if you specify the object name BrokerRegistry.

Specify ComIbmJVMManager to update the:
  • JVM settings of the HTTP listener or agent that you have specified with -b, or
  • JVM settings of the integration server that you specified with -e.
If you do not specify -b or -e when you specify ComIbmJVMManager, the JVM settings of all integration servers are updated.

Specify ExceptionLog to update the values of properties that relate to the exception log on the integration server that you specified with the -e parameter.

For compatibility with previous versions, you can also specify the value ComIbmXmlParserFactory for the ObjectName.

-n PropertyName
(Required) The name of the property to be changed. The available property names differ according to the component or configurable service that you have specified. All property names start with a lowercase character. The property name must be a valid XML attribute name; for example, a property name cannot start with a number.

The property names for predefined configurable services are described in Configurable services properties.

If you specify a Configurable Service of type UserDefined, the PropertyName specified is created if it does not exist.

-v PropertyValue
(Required) The value that is assigned to the property that is specified by the -n parameter.

You can specify more than one property name together with a corresponding value, by using commas as separators, if you use a valid value for the corresponding property; for example, -n Name1,Name2 -v Value1,Value2.

Do not leave a space after each comma in the list of names and corresponding values. Use "" to specify an empty PropertyValue string.

If the property value contains a comma, enclose the value with escaped double quotation marks (\" and \"); for example, -n Name1,Name2 -v Value1,\"Value21,Value22\".

UNIX platformOn UNIX, if the -v parameter contains a semicolon (;), enclose the entire string in quotation marks, as shown in the following example:
mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c JDBCProviders -o DB2EXTRA -n connectionUrlFormat
-v "jdbc:db2://[serverName]:[portNumber]/[databaseName]:user=[user];password=[password];"

If you set the -c parameter to EISProviders or JMSProviders, and the -n parameter to jarsURL, the expected value is a URL that specifies the file location of the EIS or JMS provider JAR files, but omits the file:// part of the URL. (On Windows, the file location cannot be a mapped network drive on a remote Windows computer; the directory must be local or on a Storage Area Network (SAN) disk.)

-p Path.FileName
(Optional) The location and name of a file from which the command reads the property value. Use this command as an alternative to -v where the value of the property is complex and is defined in a file, such as an XML or JSON file.
The following conditions apply to the use of this parameter:
  • -p can be used to set a single property only. Therefore, the -n parameter must have a single property name, not a comma-separated list.
  • White space characters (including line feed, carriage return, and end of file characters) read from the file are preserved by the command.

Use this parameter for policy sets and bindings.

Use this parameter for monitoring profiles; the XML file must conform to the monitoring profile schema.

(Optional) This parameter is valid only if you specify a configurable service of type UserDefined. If the property that you specify on the -n parameter exists, it is deleted.

If you specify this parameter for other configurable services or components, an error is generated.

(Optional) This parameter is valid only if you specify a property of an integration server level object. If the property that you specify on the -n parameter exists, its value is changed to the PropertyValue specified by the -v parameter.

You can use this parameter only when the integration server is in the stopped state. You can use the -f parameter when the integration node is running or stopped. You are advised to use this parameter only under the direction of IBM support to recover from integration server startup failures.

If you specify this parameter for other configurable services or components, an error is generated.


Always enter the command on a single line; in some examples, line breaks have been added to enhance readability.

Changes to integration node components

The following examples specify the -b parameter to identify a particular integration node component.

  • Disable the integration node HTTP listener:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -b httplistener -o HTTPListener 
    			-n startListener -v false
  • Enable the integration node HTTP listener:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -b httplistener -o HTTPListener 
    			-n startListener -v true
  • Enable the HTTPSConnector for the HTTP nodes deployed to the specified integration nodes that use the integration node listener:
     mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -b httplistener -o HTTPListener 
    			-n enableSSLConnector -v true
  • Change the default SSL protocol from TLS to TLSv1.2 for the HTTP nodes that are deployed to the specified integration node:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE  -b httplistener -o HTTPSConnector 
    			-n sslProtocol -v TLSv1.2 
  • Define CRL processing for HTTP-based input nodes that are deployed to the specified integration node using a CRL file located at file_path:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -b httplistener -o HTTPSConnector 
    			-n crlFile -v file_path
  • Specify that the opening curly bracket, vertical bar, and closing curly bracket special characters as not to be percent encoded and, therefore, are to be included in the URI query string for the HTTP listener of the integration node:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e -b httplistener -o HTTPConnector -n relaxedQueryChars -v '{|}'
  • Change the securitycache timeout to 200 seconds:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -b securitycache -o SecurityCache 
    			-n cacheTimeout -v 200 
  • Disable the web user interface:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -b webadmin -o server 
             -n enabled -v false 
  • Change the port number for the web user interface:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -b webadmin -o HTTPSConnector  
             -n port -v new_port_number 
    You can change this property only when the integration node is running, and the change takes effect when the integration node is restarted.
  • Change the JVM heap size for the integration node:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -o ComIbmJVMManager 
    -n jvmMaxHeapSize -v size_in_bytes
  • Enable event publication for an event type that belongs to the OperationalEvents event group. This example uses WebSphere MQ for the transport protocol:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -b pubsub -o OperationalEvents/MQ 
    -n enabled -v true
  • Disable event publication for an event type that belongs to the OperationalEvents event group. This example uses WebSphere MQ as the transport protocol:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -b pubsub -o OperationalEvents/MQ 
    -n enabled -v false
  • Specify a policy to control event publication, for an event type that belongs to the OperationalEvents event group. This example uses WebSphere MQ as the transport protocol:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -b pubsub -o OperationalEvents/MQ 
    -n policyUrl -v /apiv1/policy/MQEndpoint/example_mq_policy
  • Set the format of an event publication for WebSphere MQ. This example sets the format of the event message to JMSBytesMessage:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -b pubsub -o OperationalEvents/MQ 
    -n format -v none
  • Disable Server Name Indication for the outbound SSL connection of the integration node; for example, for the SSL connection to an LDAP server configured for web administration security.
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -o ComIbmJVMManager -n allowSNI 
    -v  false

Changes to properties that are associated with integration servers

The following examples include the -e parameter to specify the integration server to change.

  • Configure the integration server so that all deployed HTTP nodes use the embedded listener:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -o ExecutionGroup  
    	-n httpNodesUseEmbeddedListener -v true

    If you disable the integration node listener (as shown in a previous example), you do not have to change the integration server configuration as shown in this command; if the integration node listener is not active, all integration servers use the embedded listener by default for all HTTP message handling.

  • Configure the integration server properties so that deployed HTTP nodes do not use the embedded listener:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -o ExecutionGroup  
    	-n httpNodesUseEmbeddedListener -v false
  • Configure the integration server so that deployed SOAP nodes use the integration node listener rather than the embedded listener:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -o ExecutionGroup  
    	-n soapNodesUseEmbeddedListener -v false
  • Configure the integration server so that deployed SOAP nodes use the embedded listener:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -o ExecutionGroup  
    	-n soapNodesUseEmbeddedListener -v true

    If you disable the integration node listener (as shown in a previous example), you do not have to change the integration server configuration as shown in this command; if the integration node listener is not active, all integration servers use the embedded listener by default for all HTTP message handling.

  • Create and configure a connectivity agent in an integration server where you have deployed a callable flow. If your callable flows are deployed to different integration servers, you must run this command for each integration server:
    mqsichangeproperties integrationNodeName -e integrationServerName -o ComIbmIIBSwitchManager -n agentXConfigFile -p filepath\agentx.json
  • Configure the time to wait before the next message is retrieved from an input node after a message has been rolled back. wait_time is the time to wait in milliseconds.
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -o ExecutionGroup 
    -n failedMessageWaitTime -v wait_time
    Note: failedMessageWaitTime applies only to errors that occur downstream of an input node and only if it is set to a non-default value. The default value is 1000 milliseconds.
  • Set the port number when changing properties for integration servers:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -o HTTPSConnector  
    		-n explicitlySetPortNumber -v 7777 
  • Set the list of ciphers allowed by the HTTPS listener of the integration server:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName 
    -o HTTPSConnector -n ciphers 
    -v \"SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5,SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA\"
    On distributed systems, if the property value contains a comma, enclose the value with escaped double quotation marks (\" and \"); for example:
    -v \"SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5,SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA\"
    On z/OS, if the property value contains a comma, enclose the value with double quotation marks (" and "); for example:
    -v "SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5,SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA"
  • Specify that the opening square bracket and greater than special characters as not to be percent encoded, and therefore, are to be included in the URI path for the HTTPS listener of the integration server:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -o HTTPSConnector -n relaxedPathChars -v '[<'
  • Add a certificate revocation list (CRL) file from location file_path for the HTTPS listener of the integration server:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -n crlFile -v file_path
  • Configure the JVM to automatically download any CRL files (from CRL distribution points that are specified in the CA's digital signature):
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -o ComIbmJVMManager -n enableCRLDP -v true
  • Set the JVM port number to activate message flow debugging:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -o ComIbmJVMManager 
    	-n jvmDebugPort -v 8018 
  • Change the JVM heap size for the integration server:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -o ComIbmJVMManager 
    -n jvmMaxHeapSize -v size_in_bytes
  • Set the type of server keystore:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e AddressSampleProvider 
    	-o ComIbmJVMManager 
    	-n keystoreType -v JKS
  • Set the coordination queue manager to QM2 for integration server integrationServerName in integration node IBNODE:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName
    -o FTEAgent -n coordinationQMgr -v QM2
    Note: After running this command, you must reload the integration server for the change to take effect.
  • Set the way XMLNSC serialization renders characters that do not exist in the target code page:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName 
    -o ComIbmGenericXmlParserFactory -n invalidCharacterEscapeType -v character_type
    where character_type specifies how to render the character:
    • unicode renders the character as {U+XXXX}, where XXXX is the Unicode code point associated with the character. For example, the euro character would be rendered as {U+20AC}.
    • hex renders the character as &#xXXXX, where XXXX is the Unicode code point associated with the character. For example, the euro character would be rendered as &#x20AC.
    • decimal renders the character as #DDDD, where DDDD is the Unicode code point associated with the character expressed in decimal. For example, the euro character would be rendered as #8364.
  • Configure the expiry compensation to prevent messages from immediately expiring when put:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e default 
    -o ComIbmMQConnectionManager -n expiryCompensation -v option
    where option specifies if the expiry compensation is active or not:
    • false This option is the default value. No adjustment is applied to the expiry
    • true This option causes the expiry to be reduced by the amount of time that the message has spent in the flow at the time that the MQPUT call is made by the MQOutput Node.
  • Enable resource statistics to be reported to the filesystem:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName 
    -o ComIbmResourceStatsManager -n fileReporting -v active
  • Disable Server Name Indication for the outbound SSL connection of the integration server; for when SOAPRequest or HTTPRequest nodes use SSL.
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -o ComIbmJVMManager -n allowSNI 
    -v false
  • Enable the exception log and set it to include details of any nested exceptions and additional information from the Flow Thread Reporter.
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -o ExceptionLog 
    -n enabled,showNestedExceptionDetails,includeFlowThreadReporter -v true,true,true  

Changes to the BrokerRegistry object

  • Set the HTTPConnector Port Range in the integration node registry:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -o BrokerRegistry 
    	-n httpConnectorPortRange -v 7777-8888 
  • Configure the path to the CRL files that the JVM uses to check certificates, where file_path is a list of paths to CRL files separated by the path separator character for the host operating system.
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -o BrokerRegistry -n crlFileList -v file_path
  • Configure the file path to a WebSphere MQ CCDT file in the integration node registry:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -o BrokerRegistry 
    	-n mqCCDT -v "C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere
    When you have set the mqCCDT property, restart the integration node for the changes to take effect.
  • Configure the path to the key repository, when you have specified SSL to be used on an MQInput, MQOutput, MQGet, or MQReply node. This value is specified as the full file path of the SSL key repository minus the .kdb file extension. For example, if the SSL key repository is C:\SSL\key.kdb, set the location of the key repository by using the following command:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -o BrokerRegistry -n mqKeyRepository -v C:\SSL\key
    The SSL key repository is created using the WebSphere MQ GSKit.
  • Disable Server Name Indication for all integration servers on an integration node:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -o BrokerRegistry -n allowSNI -v false

Changes to the configurable services

The following examples include the -c parameter to specify the type of configurable service to change.

  • Change an Aggregation configurable service:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c Aggregation 
    	-o myAggregationService
     -n timeoutSeconds -v 120
    This command changes all nodes that are configured to use the myAggregationService configurable service by setting the timeout of an aggregation to 120 seconds.
  • Change a CICSConnection configurable service:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c CICSConnection -o myCICSConnectionService
     -n connectionTimeoutSecs -v 120

    This command changes the CICSRequest node that is configured to use the myCICSConnectionService configurable service by setting the Connection timeout to 120 seconds.

  • Change a Collector configurable service:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c Collector 
    	-o myCollectorService
     -n collectionExpirySeconds -v 120
    This command changes all nodes that are configured to use the myCollectorService configurable service by setting the expiry time of collections to 120 seconds.
  • Change the location of the object reference for all nodes that are configured to use the myCORBAService configurable service. After you run this command, all nodes look for the object reference name "Europe.region/Market.object" in the naming service on the local host on port 2809.
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c CORBA -o myCORBAService -n namingService,objectReferenceName -v localhost:2809,Europe.region/Market.object
  • Change an EmailServer configurable service:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c EmailServer -o 
    myEmailConfigurableServiceName -n securityIdentity -v 

    This command changes the EmailInput node that is configured to use the myEmailConfigurableServiceName configurable service by renaming the securityIdentity object to myNewSecurityIdentityObjectName.

  • Change the myCDServer configurable service to use a specific staging directory -/tmp/cdtransfer.

    Note that you can use any string for the -o Objectname parameter.

    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c CDServer -o myCDServer -n brokerPathToStagingDir
     -v /tmp/cdtransfer 
  • Make the JAR files and shared libraries available to the WebSphere Adapter for SAP:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c EISProviders -o SAP 
    	-n jarsURL,nativeLibs 
          -v c:\sapjco\jars,c:\sapjco\bin
  • For the FtpServer configurable service called TEST1, change the protocol to SFTP and change the server name to winlnx58:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c FtpServer -o TEST1 
    -n protocol,serverName,scanDelay,remoteDirectory,securityIdentity,
    -v  SFTP,winlnx58,30,.,chbatey,blowfish-cbc,9,no
  • Change all the nodes that are configured to use the myIMSConnectService configurable service. After you run this command, all nodes connect to the production system ( instead of the test system (
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c IMSConnect 
    	-o myIMSConnectService 
    	-n Hostname -v
  • Update the security identity for the JDBCProvider service for Oracle:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c JDBCProviders -o Oracle  
    	-n securityIdentity -v OracleDSN
    OracleDSN is the DSN with which you have associated a user ID and password using the mqsisetdbparms command.
  • Change the JDBCProvider service myJDBCProvider to use the database schema mySchemaName:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c JDBCProviders -o myJDBCProvider 
    -n databaseSchemaNames -v mySchemaName
  • Change the JDBCProvider service myJDBCProvider to use a table-specific database schema, where myTableNameA is the name of your database table, and mySchemaName01 is the name of your database schema:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c JDBCProviders -o myJDBCProvider 
    -n databaseSchemaNames -v myTableNameA:mySchemaName01
  • Change the JDBCProvider service myJDBCProvider to use the default database schema myDefaultSchemaName, and a table-specific database schema, where myTableNameA is the name of your database table, and mySchemaName01 is the name of your database schema:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c JDBCProviders -o myJDBCProvider 
    -n databaseSchemaNames -v myDefaultSchemaName;myTableNameA:mySchemaName01
  • Change the location of the JAR files for the IBM WebSphere MQ JMS client:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c JMSProviders -o WebSphere_MQ  
          -n jarsURL -v file://D:\SIBClient\Java
  • Change the value of the properties proprietaryAPIAttr2 and proprietaryAPIAttr3 for a user-defined JMS provider configurable service definition called BEA_Weblogic, where the properties represent the URL of the BEA WebLogic bindings and the DNS name of the JMS server:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c JMSProviders -o BEA_Weblogic
          -n proprietaryAPIAttr2, proprietaryAPIAttr3
          -v t3://,BEAServerName
  • Change the value of the jndiEnvironmentObject property in the definition of a user-defined JMS provider configurable service called myJMSprovider to add three strings to a vector:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c JMSProviders -o myJMSprovider
          -n jndiEnvironmentObject,jndiEnvironmentObjectParm1,jndiEnvironmentObjectParm2,jndiEnvironmentObjectParm3 
          -v java.util.Vector:name=com.tibco.tibjms.naming.ssl_trusted_certs,mycert1,mycert2,mycert3
  • Change the value of the jndiEnvironmentParms property in the definition of a user-defined JMS provider configurable service called myJMSprovider:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c JMSProviders -o myJMSprovider
          -n jndiEnvironmentParms
          -v domainName=myDomain;timeout=6000
  • Set the properties of monitoring profile 'mp1' by using the contents of file mp1.xml:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c MonitoringProfiles -o mp1 
    -n profileProperties -p mp1.xml
  • Change all connections that are used by the adapter myPeopleSoftAdapter.outadapter. After you run this command, all adapters connect to the production system ( instead of the test system (
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c PeopleSoftConnection 
    	-o myPeopleSoftAdapter.outadapter -n hostName 
    	-v ""
  • When you create a policy set, its properties are always set to default values. Use this command to change the property values.

    Import a policy set to an integration node from a file:

    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c PolicySets -o Policy_2
          -n ws-security -p policyset.xml
    This command reads file policyset.xml and sets its contents as Policy_2 in integration node IBNODE. The command is used to move policy sets between integration nodes, or to restore from a backup.
  • Import a policy set bindings to an integration node from a file:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c PolicySetBindings -o Bindings_2
          -n ws-security -p bindings.xml
    This command reads file bindings.xml and sets its contents as Bindings_2 in integration node IBNODE. The command is used to move policy set bindings between integration nodes, or to restore from a backup.
  • Change a Resequence configurable service:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c Resequence -o myResequenceService
     -n missingMessageTimeoutSeconds -v 120
    This command changes all nodes that are configured to use the myResequenceService configurable service, by setting them to propagate message sequences that have missing messages after waiting for 120 seconds.
  • Change all connections that are used by the adapter mySAPAdapter.outadapter. After you run this command, all adapters connect to the production system ( instead of the test system (
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c SAPConnection -o mySAPAdapter 
    -n applicationServerHost -v
  • Change a SecurityProfiles configurable service to enable identity mapping using the WS-Trust v1.3 STS provider interface to Tivoli® Federated Identity Manager (TFIM) V6.2:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c SecurityProfiles
    		-o TFIMv62MapSecProfile
    		-n mapping,mappingConfig 
    		-v "WS-Trust v1.3 STS",
  • Change the connection timeout for queries issued by the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository nodes to 180 seconds:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c ServiceRegistries -o DefaultWSRR 
          -n connectionTimeout -v 180
  • Change the connection that is used by the adapter myAdapter.outadapter. After you run this command, all message flows in all integration servers that use this adapter connect to the production system ( instead of the test system ( If you are using different adapters in the message flow, run the mqsichangeproperties command for each named adapter.
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c SiebelConnection 
    	-o mySiebelAdapter.outadapter 
    	-n connectString 
    	-v "siebel://"
  • Update the TCPIPClient configurable service so that it does not create client connections until they are required:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c TCPIPClient 
    	-o ClientPort1452HostnameJsmith 
          -n MinimumConnections -v 0
  • Change the connection expiry time on TCPIPServer connections to 30 seconds:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c TCPIPServer -o ServerPort1452 
          -n ExpireConnectionSec -v 30
  • Change the TCPIPClient configurable service to use alternative addresses:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c TCPIPClient -o MyTCPIPClient 
          -n AlternativeAddresses -v smith6:1111;jones7
  • Change the TCPIPClient configurable service to use a connection pool other than the main pool:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c TCPIPClient -o MyTCPIPClient 
          -n UseUniqueConnectionPool -v true
  • Change the TCP/IP connection manager to start the server connection on port 1445:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -o TCPIP/start/Server -n port -v 1445
  • Change the TCP/IP connection manager to stop the server connection on port 1445:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -o TCPIP/stop/Server -n port -v 1445
  • Change the TCP/IP connection manager to quiesce the server connection on port 1445. You must also supply a timeout for the quiesce. In this example, the timeout has a value of 30 seconds:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e integrationServerName -o TCPIP/quiesce/Server -n port,quiesceTimeoutSec -v 1445,30
  • Change a TCPIPClient or TCPIPServer configurable service to use SSL:
  • Change a Timer configurable service:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c Timer -o myTimerService
     -n timeoutIntervalSeconds -v 1
    This command changes all TimeoutNotification nodes that are configured to use the myTimerService configurable service, by configuring them to generate events every second if the node is configured in Automatic mode.
  • Select content based filtering on the default integration server:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e default -o ContentBasedFiltering
      -n cbfEnabled -v true
  • Select content based filtering on the default integration server and increase the number of evaluation threads to five:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -e default -o ContentBasedFiltering
      -n validationThreads -v 5
  • Change a JavaClassLoader service:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c JavaClassLoader 
      -o myJavaClassLoader 
      -n sharedJarPath 
      -v /var/app2/jars
  • Add a property to a configurable service of type UserDefined:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c UserDefined 
      -o MyService1 -n VerifyRequestTimeout -v 60
  • Delete a property of a configurable service of type UserDefined:
    mqsichangeproperties IBNODE -c UserDefined 
      -o HTTP_Timeout -n VerifyRequestTimeout -d