Dynamically configuring data collection on Agent Configuration page

After you enable the support for transaction tracking or diagnostic data collection in the data collector, use the Agent Configuration page to dynamically enable or disable the data collection.

Before you begin

  • You must install and configure the Monitoring Agent for WebSphere® Applications.
  • To enable or disable transaction tracking for the monitored application servers, you must install Transaction Tracking. You must also enable support for transaction tracking in the agent as described in Configuring the data collector interactively. If you follow the simple configuration procedure, the data collector is automatically configured with support for transaction tracking.
  • To enable or disable the collection of diagnostic data including method trace, you must have Cloud APM, Advanced. You must also enable support for the collection of diagnostic and method trace information in the data collector as described in Configuring the data collector interactively. (Not available for Cloud APM, Base).
Tip: The Agent Configuration page displays all the servers that are monitored by the agent. If any server is missing, it might not be correctly monitored. Check the agent log files on the monitored system for error messages, for example, connection errors.
Remember: The WebSphere Applications agent supports only Db2® and Oracle as the data source. For other types of data sources, some KPI values might appear to be null on the Transaction Tracking dashboards and group widgets.


Complete the following steps to configure data collection for each server:

  1. From the navigation bar, click Configure icon System Configuration > Agent Configuration.
    The Agent Configuration page is displayed.
  2. Click the WebSphere Applications tab.
  3. Select the check boxes of the servers on which you want to configure data collection and take one of the following actions from the Actions list:
    • To enable transaction tracking, click Enable Transaction Tracking. The status in the Current Transaction Tracking column is updated to Yes for each selected server.
    • To enable only diagnostic data collection, click Enable Diagnostic Mode. The status in the Current Diagnostic Mode column is updated to Yes for each selected server.
    • To collect both the diagnostic data and method trace information, click Enable Diagnostic Mode and Method Trace. The status in the Current Diagnostic Mode and Current Method Trace columns is updated to Yes for each selected server.
    • To disable transaction tracking for the selected server, click Disable Transaction Tracking. The status in the Current Transaction Tracking column is updated to No for each selected server.
    • If only the diagnostic data collection is enabled for the selected server, to disable data collection, click Disable Diagnostic Mode. The status in the Current Diagnostic Mode column is updated to No for each selected server.
    • If both the diagnostic data and method trace data are enabled for the selected server, to disable data collection, click Disable Diagnostic Mode and Method Trace. The status in the Current Diagnostic Mode and Current Method Trace columns is updated to No for each selected server.
    • Unless support for transaction tracking or diagnostic data collection is configured in the data collector, operations on the Agent Configuration page does not enable data collection and the column value is set to No.
    • If the application server profile was configured to use as the host name, the IP Address column on the Agent Configuration page displays the IP address of the host where the WebSphere Applications agent is installed and running.


You have configured data collection for each selected server. Transaction tracking data and diagnostic data can be displayed in the topology dashboards after you enable the data collection.
Important: If an application server restarts, you might need to enable transaction tracking or diagnostic data collection for the server again.